Real Butter or Margerine?

JamesYazell said:
I prefer to eat natural foods. I just can't get past the idea of eating something from a lab, even if it is better for me. Reminds me of those pills they fed everybody that were made from people. "There people! There people!"
That would be the movie Soylent Green. "Soylent Green is processed people ..."

I prefer to cook in extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil over low heat if I have to use it, broiling, braising (cooking in liquid) and steaming.

I use butter for baking (and I rarely bake), but I do make use of Take Control which has ingredients proven to lower cholesterol and triglycerides (tri-g's are really dangerous in women).
I don't especially like butter's taste. Think it stems back from biting into a PB,B and J sandwich when I was little. (Nasty surprise to hit a cold collection of butter pats in an innocent looking peanut butter and jelly sandwich.) I go with the veggie oil (a shockingly unnatural substance. Who's ever eaten veggies?) substitute when I use it but I rarely go for either.
bignick said:
I heat it up and sip it when I'm running low on hot'll keep you warm in the winter...
mmmmmmmm... bacon fat...


Actually, I always remember my grandmother having an old coffee can of bacon drippings to use when she fried just about anything. And thems were some goooooooood eggs and hotcakes. ;)

As far as butter vs. margarine, I'll most often choose butter for everything. I just like the taste better. *shrug* As with everything, moderation is the key.
Butter. It tastes better, you can cook with it, and all things in moderation, including moderation. Also cook with EVOO and Canola. Speaking of which while we are on the subject of fats, has anyone tried some of the newer "healty" oils out now? I can picture one of them, but atm the name escapes me.

I LOVE butter but avoid it as much as possible for health reasons. My grandpa loved butter too..ate it on everything...died of a massive coronary at age 62. I do believe genetics play a role in how your body processes fats. Plus TOO MANY CALORIES in
I do Margarine. It is what I grew up on and what I like. I find butter to have a too powerful taste.
Butter is a awesome substance for cooking.

Can add to slowly add a creamy texture to soups, broths etc

Make clarified butter for frying and caramelizing....Soo good

Love butter. MArgarine = transfatty acid which will kill you faster than large amount of butter.
Butter for me I also really like Ghee which is clairfied butter. It's one of the most stable cooking oils. Hooray for cows milk!

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