Thanks for your post. You're right it's all about trying to understand and I think it depends on your point of view Ā where you happen to be standing at the time, and what experience you bring with you. From my point of view, IĀm seeking knowledgeĀ
read the books and understand and can relate to some/much of it, but I also have someone stretching my mind to question the scientific validity of some of these theories. I see value in II, but as I gain experience and deeper understanding, that understanding gives way to further questioning. Through questioning we learn to define and refine things for ourselves. ItĀs kind of funny because I donĀt necessarily disagree with what Mr. Durgan is saying. I was interested in having him clarify his thoughts. In turn youĀre helping me to clarify mine. In his first post it seemed he saw that people sometimes grow beyond II and those who do may find little value to hold onto there other than sentimental. In his second post he seemed to me to defend the value of the tools within. So at the same time IĀm trying to decide for myself which things hold value for me. I suppose my question to him should have been, ĀOther than sentimental, what value does II hold for you in the place you are in today?Ā