RE: RyuShiKan - Hero or Zero?

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Originally posted by John Bishop
Well, RSK's gone and some of the frauds and liars are still here. Make's no sense to me.:mad:

Maybe it's because they were given protection by the moderator.
I read a few topics on here and it looks like people can say anything and nobody is allowed to ask them about it.

So if that is the way it goes I am a 50th dan and have a magical death touch.........but you can't ask me to back it up because it won't be friendly and I can cry to the moderator that you are being mean to me if you do ask.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
As a person who was privy to some of the behind the scenes info for a while. I saw how anytime RSK was asked politely to tone it down some he became beligerent with who ever asked him to do so. He incessentaly tried to bullythe moderators and admins into his way of thinking.

Yes and I got to see some of the emails he got from the moderators too.
I wouldn't really call them polite. I was also told by Ryushikan that certain moderators and exmoderators here are not very educated martial arts people and some are obvious fakes.

Originally posted by Rob_Broad
He drove many beginners away, they were afraid of incurring his wrath.

Who did he drive away? Which beginner?
From the looks of it he drove away some fakes too.

Originally posted by Rob_Broad
The guy had some very good information but it was noth worth the BS that had to be put up with to get it. Yes hemade friends here, and I know they shemade friends here, and I know they still communicate on other forums and that is great. But at Martialtalk, he often acted like an *** when dealing with the staff.

He still has more good information too.
It looks like your main dislike for him was you didn't like the way he treated you. I got to see some of the emails and messages that moderators sent him and I think it's a two way street.
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
Who did he drive away? Which beginner?
From the looks of it he drove away some fakes too.

That's not a trade we're prepared to make.

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
I was also told by Ryushikan that certain moderators and exmoderators here are not very educated martial arts people and some are obvious fakes.

I don't find it hard to believe that he would say such a thing.

He still has more good information too.

You seem quite enamored of him.
Is it me or didnt Robert ASK for his account to be removed? Like he has a few times before.......Doesnt that just kinda END this convo :rolleyes:
Originally posted by arnisador
I don't find it hard to believe that he would say such a thing.

You seem quite enamored of him.

He is one of the best teachers I have ever had and also one of the best karateka technicians I have ever seen.
Originally posted by Master of Blades
Is it me or didnt Robert ASK for his account to be removed? Like he has a few times before.......Doesnt that just kinda END this convo :rolleyes:

He is not here but people keep talking about him on new topics so it doesn't really end the conversation.
Is Robert your teacher or was he before?

Note: Edited the post after being informed that others HAD mentioned RSK before Mr Cobb. My apoligys :asian:
Well looks like I aint getting a reply anytime soon so I just wanna say one more thing before I get taken off stage.

"I can only show you the path, you have to walk down it"

One of my favourite qoutes, and I have no idea who said it. My over all problem with Robert was that he proceeded to walk us down AND give us the guided tour of the path. Thats just my problem with him, but I do know that others felt he didnt do it in the correct way.

And before another person says it NO I DO NOT IN ANYWAY WANT FRAUDS AROUND HERE! I just dont disagree with the lack of respect shown by both sides.
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
Yes and I got to see some of the emails he got from the moderators too.
I wouldn't really call them polite. I was also told by Ryushikan that certain moderators and exmoderators here are not very educated martial arts people and some are obvious fakes.

Who did he drive away? Which beginner?
From the looks of it he drove away some fakes too.

He still has more good information too.
It looks like your main dislike for him was you didn't like the way he treated you. I got to see some of the emails and messages that moderators sent him and I think it's a two way street.

First off whats posted on this board for all to see is different than an e-mail or private message.

There were only a chosen few people whom he thought were not fakes.

I have been a member on this board long enough to see quite a few people leave do to the not so friendly manner of wich some did business here RSK being one, but I have yet to see one person who he has attached leave.

I feel that RSK has alot to offer to this board, he just had a bad approach on his "fraud busting campaign" not to say wether those he attached were or were not frauds, there is always a better way to skin a cat.

Last but not least he is not here right now to defend himself and I for one think that D.COBB was wrong to bring up this subject AGAIN without at least having him here to defend himself.
:asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian: :asian:
Yes Ryushikan is my teacher since 1990.

In Okinawan we have a saying:

"good medicine always tastes bad"

It means the truth hurts sometimes. So I think a lot of the people that were angry maybe got too much truth for them.

Ryushikan is the same in real life. If someone says something stupid like "I can jump over this building" He will say "OK do it".
Ryushikan is very old style way of doing martial arts, not too much talking just doing.
After seeing some articles here it looks like too much talking and not enough doing by some people here.
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
Yes Ryushikan is my teacher since 1990.

In Okinawan we have a saying:

"good medicine always tastes bad"

It means the truth hurts sometimes. So I think a lot of the people that were angry maybe got too much truth for them.

Ryushikan is the same in real life. If someone says something stupid like "I can jump over this building" He will say "OK do it".
Ryushikan is very old style way of doing martial arts, not too much talking just doing.
After seeing some articles here it looks like too much talking and not enough doing by some people here.

You could be right but the way it was done could have been a little different!
Originally posted by DAC..florida
You could be right but the way it was done could have been a little different!

I am confused. Why does anyone have to be nice to someone who is lying or saying they can do somerthing or are something when they really aren't?
Originally posted by Rick Tsubota
I am confused. Why does anyone have to be nice to someone who is lying or saying they can do somerthing or are something when they really aren't?

Its not that they would have to be nice just post your opinion and proof and or observations then let the readers decide for themselves, dont follow them from one thread to another stalking them and prohibiting them to have discusion with others on unrelated subjects.
Originally posted by DAC..florida
Its not that they would have to be nice just post your opinion and proof and or observations then let the readers decide for themselves, dont follow them from one thread to another stalking them and prohibiting them to have discusion with others on unrelated subjects.

If they lie here and lie there or keep lying shouldn't someone say something?
Ok Rick, let's put it this way, who appointed him the internet/martial arts police? I never said he didn't have good information. I also know he had good intentions in trying to debunk frauds, a noble goal, I also know that I personally got tired of seeing him go after people in EVERY SINGLE thread. It got old, and as a result, just like I do because of certain frauds, I began avoiding that entire forum. Now, you may be asking, "why should I care if people avoid forums?" Let me answer it this way, if it were not for the friendships I have forged on this board with some damned fine martial artists, I woud no longer sponsor or otherwise try to support this board. If all the sponsors started feeling this way, what then? The fact is, there always has been and always be frauds in the martial arts. Which of the moderators or ex-mods are frauds? None, some may have been blow hards, and some may have been beginners but none have been frauds.
Originally posted by Seig
Ok Rick, let's put it this way, who appointed him the internet/martial arts police?

Nobody. Does someone need to?
I think the same people he questioned never gave a exact answer.
They only seemed to answer the question he asked but not really and used the moderator for a defense weapon when they got in trouble.
I answered him . He may not have liked the answere or he may no have ageed with my answeres but i answered. I was the last one he attackd because he didn't like the fact that I teach japanese stances along with chinese stances and opn "no stance", along with what many call fillipino stances, and showd some of these on a web ite he went balistic.
My history is on my web page and the web page of my insructor gives a background of our system as far as we car to give it. admitedly it only goes back 50 or 60 years on the site. If RSK (Robert ) or anyone else, think I am a phoney for not teaching what he/they like or thinks should be taught in a Fillipino system,so be it, that is/was his/their oppion and he/they is/are entitled to it. My certificates have been around for longer than most have studied.
As I have stated befor every system/style started somewhere at some time with someone doing somethig different than their instructor that is not an indicator of being a phoney but of a difference in teaching methods.
As has been said by more than once it is not faud busting that gets anyone in trouble. It is the stalking from thread to thread and the manner in which it is done. One or two questions asked , then answered or not, then another question is one thing. !1-15 questions thrown out at one time is a diffeent and when every answere to them is questioned it becomes an interagation.
Most people on this forum are tired of the bAD BUDO coming into all the threads and haveing to read dribble . The arguments in the threads outweighs the news and information that is not the way it startd and not what the intention of the forum should be. Hell this thread is has turned into that verry thing.
on a personal note I think there should be a seperate forum called Fraud Busters if anyone you can think of cares to start it
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