yes I started it, until I left my old job and got another jobe doing shift work on a rotational roster so I cannot start anything properly unfortuanatly, the other problem was trying to find a student, I had one chap come along who told me that our WC was the best that he had seen in Sydney, and he does want to learn but he is locked into another contract at another school for a year, he said that if I started a school in Strathfield that he wuld definitly join, I was teaching a thirteen year old, but his parants put an end to all extra-curricular activities because he was bombing his grades, so no more Wing Chun or soccer, A third chap seemed keen as mustard saying he was definitly going to start, I have rung him several times, but He isnt even answering his phone, someone else rang me and I sent them an email explaining I couldn't ring them on a mobile number and could they give me a landline to ring on, I have not heard back from them yet. Someone else enquired but I think got turned off when I said I have no students yet, some one else says they are keen to learn, but I need to see them in the next couple of weeks. Add to this that I have been in hospital, and my wife just gave birth to our second child (I am going crazy) but I am not going to sweat it. i have made a decision i only want to take on private students for now, as I only have 2 nights a week that I am available, I just want to find someone who will remain committed. Anyway maybe life will open up the oportunity later. The main problem is that I really do not want to cheapen Sifu's WC by trying to flog his wares to the lowest bidder (i.e. no Mcdojos, etc) I just really want to find a few good students that I know I can invest my heart and soul in and with whom I also can grow in my Wing Chun Journey with.