Brown Belt
As you may or may not know from my last post I am starting a new Wing Chun school under the guidence of Sifu Fung Ping Bor (dereck Fung) to lay it on the line, I want to be a good teacher and I want to transmit the art as Sifu has taught me, I want to be detailed, and I want to work with everyone on a n individual basis, I am not interested in having a thousand students, I am more interested in the transmission of the art than I am about creating a [wince] Mcdojo. I want to be strict in my grading proceedures, and demanding in my requirements for perfection of the art. If any of you who have more teaching experiance than me out there know how I can achieve these goals and be relevant to this contemporary generation please leave me some hints, tips. I would appreciate yor kind assistance in this endevour.