Rate My Kung Fu Video (Display Strikes & Self Defense)

Chris has it. I can see a bunch of things I could critique in your execution of the self-defense sequences, but without knowing what system you practice and how your instructor wants those techniques to be executed I might be steering you in the wrong direction. You're clearly somewhat of a beginner in this system and your instructor may have specific priorities in mind for refining your technique. (If you were my student, I'd have you slow down and work more on the details of maintaining your own balance and controlling your opponent's movement and balance. Your instructor may have a different approach.)

As far as the kicking combos go, I would place a higher priority right now on throwing each individual kick with the best form you are capable of. I don't know what form your system advocates, so I won't offer any details beyond that. If anyone here practices the same style you do they might offer advice, but they might need some better camera angles.
I don't like the knife lunge where you grab his wrist and stay on the line of attack.
If the person was stronger more committed or you missed you could easily
Have your wrist slit open. I thought this way to but after working
With the kali guys my perception of knives and disarms
Have changed drastically.
I will second the notion that, the self defense drills need to be more realistic. However, I feel that, adding to much additional stuff right off the bat may be detrimental, to much to learn at his low level. He is only 2 months in correct? I think that first thing he needs to do is have his partners actually be in the correct range and actually try to sucker punch/stab them with intent. Then as the time goes by, as he gains rank and experience, make the scenarios more complex. Kinda like extensions in kenpo.

OP, please check out Micheal Janich at http://www.martialbladeconcepts.com/ and Tony Blauer at http://www.tonyblauer.com/ They both have well respected knife work. My coach has experience with Tony Blauer.
Since you have had enough critique on your self-defense scenarios, I will talk about your bag work. As soon as you throw a punch, your hands drop. Don't feel bad,that is quite common. Same with your kicks. Hands up! I yell it many times when I teach class, to all different levels. I need to work on it as well for my kicks.
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