Rant 2: Grant me patience


Senior Master
Here's my other frustrating situation :)

In my school, while there is a pretty good adult program, the bulk of students (80-90%) are kids. Adults and kids classes are seperate for the most part. However, at the rank of 1st gup (cho dan bo), adult and kids classes combine. The reasons for this are simply because there are not enough adult black belt candidates at any single time to devote a class to them. As an adult, I'm usually pretty patient working with the kids but sometimes it gets to be a drag.

When I was originally preparing for my BB exam, I was lucky in that there was a group of 4 adults (myself included) all training together. I didn;t have to worry about having someone my general size and ability level to work with. However, due to my injury, I had to pass on the exam. I'm training again, but now there are no adults in the Cho Dan Bo class. The closest person to my size is a tall, gangly 14 year old who, while a very nice guy, I have to be pretty gentle with (I'm 6'2", 240 lbs btw). What's been happening lately is that I either get paired up with him, or I;m paired up with the instructor, but really doing more of an assistant instructor thing (helping the new cho dan bo's rather than working on my stuff).

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to teach...but I need time to work on my stuff as well. Also, it's hard to work with people that can't work at the same instensity level as yourself. It's ok sometimes...but I do miss being able to go full-bore sometimes.

Frankly, there's not much to be done. I just have to keep practicing patience and control....but some days it gets hard. :D Just had to share.

Been there, is there anyway you can get some Black Belts your size to help you train at another time? I not only took my regular classes (where alot of times I would have to teach or like you be paired up with someone I had to take it easy on) but I set it up with some other guys my size and intensity level who help me prepare for my tests on the side.
I agree with The Kidd - although there is no better way to understand than to teach, you still need time to work on your own requirements. Make sure you discuss this with the instructor, exactly the way you've done it here.

Also, since there were others in your training group, maybe one of them could help you with your requirements - either in the cho dan bo group or outside of it. At least there are people in your area who are working on the same things you are - when I tested for III Dan, I had to use my students in my self-defense routine - 1 I Dan, on 3rd gup, and one 5th gup, as they were the only ones with the skills and the size to be realistic.
I'm in the process of doing just that. There are some folks in the gym looking to do some extar training...but right now getting scheduling worked out is proving problematic.

What about the other three you were trinaing with before? Do they have the time to meet up with you for a extra-curriculum training session? It's amazing how many things you can pick up on between you without an instructor there.
Unfortunately, one person had to go on a leave of absence, and the other two have crazy schedules like myself...right now it's not realistic. Hopefully things will settle down in the near future. :)

Unfortunately, one person had to go on a leave of absence, and the other two have crazy schedules like myself...right now it's not realistic. Hopefully things will settle down in the near future. :)


Good Luck, I know the frustration good training partners are hard to find.
I have run into this with my personal M.A. ambitions in styles other than TKD and with my youngest son(who is a 2nd dan). I have found this to be the best reason to compete in tournaments. Not only for the experience,but to find other practicioners who are close in size and ranking to train with. When you do find someone whom you like, perhaps they can invite you to come train with them from time to time. It's good to learn from a different prospective than your instructor. This has work wonderfully in our case. My son's development took off when we started training outside the home dojang. That doesn't mean abandon your instructor in any way,just keep an open mind.
Welp, I just found out the next black belt test is scheduled for June 1. That gives me nine weeks to get my act together. Thankfully, I've been running through all the required set stuff (forms, one seps, etc.) since my injury.

I'm going to talk to my instructor and see if he'll give me some mat time during the week so I can get together with anyone I beg, borrow or bribe to work with me. Maybe turn it into an informal review session for anyone that wants to show up.

Now I have a set target...this will actually make things easier for me. :)

Hi Mr. Erik,

Do you know who will be your holders for your test? If there is anyway you can set up some practice time with them that would be awesome. If not, maybe talk with your instructor to see if he/she will watch you go through some of your material after class with one of the color belts. Even though you won't be going full speed or strength your instructor will undoubtedly find your strengths and weaknesses and give you some pointers. Keep us posted and Good Luck!!!