Racial attack on Black MA'ist in Canada caught on Youtube

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
It is amazing that in a world we cannot find a way to get along.

Note: This happened in Canada, not the American South East. I just feel the need to point that out to everyone that's posted wise-cracks about us hillbilly rednecks down here and assumed that we're all racist and it doesn't exist anywhere else. What's your excuse here? I suppose you'll try to tell me this happened in Southern Canada. :disgust:

Now that I got that off my chest...

I applaud Mr. Philips for standing up for himself, even if it put him in a dangerous position facing multiple attackers. He handled himself well and lot more reserved than I would have been.

If put in the same position where I was surrounded like that I would probably take at least one out quickly; which means very, very nasty things.

Anyway...if you're not training for multiple attackers perhaps you should re-evaluate your curriculum.
Note: This happened in Canada, not the American South East. I just feel the need to point that out to everyone that's posted wise-cracks about us hillbilly rednecks down here and assumed that we're all racist and it doesn't exist anywhere else. What's your excuse here? I suppose you'll try to tell me this happened in Southern Canada. :disgust:

Having the advantage of living in the south and working in the north (plus having lived and worked all over the USA), I can say racism is alive and well nearly everywhere. But it is manifested in different forms in different places, even from town to town.

In my little town in NC, the churches are all segregated - by choice, they say. There are some 'everybody welcome' churches, but for the most part, it's black churches and white churches. I'm also a member of the American Legion. There are two chapters here in town - yeah, you guessed it, a white and a black one. They don't officially say that, it's just how it is done. Each claims the other 'wants' it that way - maybe they do. I dunno.

But it's in the north, too. Just not as mundane, as everyday, fact-of-life.

Racism is sad and wrong and evil. I don't know anyone professing Christianity could be racist and know that they have to explain their hatred to God someday. I don't know how anyone who believes in science and evolution could be racist and know that we're all the same, not a dime's worth of difference between us, genetically. I just don't understand racism, obviously.

My old man was a racist. It was a part of him I could never admire. I won't claim I've never had a racist thought or feeling, or that I've never felt fear based on unreasonable prejudice - I have. But I loathe that part of me and work to overcome it.
It happened way out on the west coast On Vancouver Island.

A thug is a thug, no matter his religion, skin colour or creed.

Sounds like these monkeys were looking for trouble and the guy they attacked just happened to be convenient. Good for him in taking them on and showing them what’s what.
Good job on Phillp's part. He kept moving, and made his strikes count. The thugs who attacked him were sloppy, and cowards.

If you're going to fight, just fight. Talking smack on the street and waiting for your buddies to throw the first blow is shameful and shows a lack of intelligence.

I just wish they were hit by one of the passing cars.
Note: This happened in Canada, not the American South East. I just feel the need to point that out to everyone that's posted wise-cracks about us hillbilly rednecks down here and assumed that we're all racist and it doesn't exist anywhere else. What's your excuse here? I suppose you'll try to tell me this happened in Southern Canada. :disgust:

Racism exists pretty much everywhere. Canada certainly has its problem areas. It wouldn't take much digging into Native history in Canada to figure out there is definitely racism up here.
I can't bring myself to watch the tape. The stills and the description of the story have already made me ill. What a cowardly bunch of scumbags....picking on someone twice their age, and ganging up on them 3 on 1. Disgusting.
I can't bring myself to watch the tape. The stills and the description of the story have already made me ill. What a cowardly bunch of scumbags....picking on someone twice their age, and ganging up on them 3 on 1. Disgusting.

You should watch it, it'll make you feel better. The 3 thugs are vomitous at best, but Mr. Philips handles himself well and the 3 little thugs run away with their tails between their legs shouting insults in a vain attempt to try and recoup some of their ego.
I started practicing MMA after a vicious attack where six people beat the ever-loving mess out of me.

They thought I was a Muslim.

After the attack, I needed something physical and searched for something functional. And then I found my gym.

Prior to that, I followed the bad advice of many previous MA instructors: pool your faith into the MA style. Laying on the curb, watching various Adaidas shoes stomp my face, and contemplating using my knife to slash one of the guys, I decided that all of that instruction had no basis and would never work.

The attack taught me to have faith in myself.

If I ever met those guys, I'd probably shake their hand and tell them they helped set me on a really enriching path, filled with some of the best people I've ever known, and full of MA skills that I would never have thought to have existed if it weren't for those thugs.

I hope that Phillips guy goes back into training.
You should watch it, it'll make you feel better. The 3 thugs are vomitous at best, but Mr. Philips handles himself well and the 3 little thugs run away with their tails between their legs shouting insults in a vain attempt to try and recoup some of their ego.

Thanks :asian: That was worth seeing.
This is exactly why everyone should have a good working knowledge of self defense going for them. He definitely did the right thing by moving in circles, which saved him from being a stationary target. I applaud his guts, because it looked like backing down, was not an option. In fact turning and walking away could have been a disaster.
My own observations of watching the video... and while I understand it's real easy to armchair this thing... I've been in exactly the same scenario myself... only it was 8:1 (mostly I just ran like hell and ended up keeping a building at my back to keep them in sight and not get behind me until fortunately help arrived).
Williams kept moving and that was good but he missed several opportunities to take those guys one by one, as they got close. Hitting one would make the others either more enraged or contemplative about what they were trying to jump. Yet not actually being there it's hard to say for sure what would've happened.
When the cars broke up the beating would've been a good time to get the hell outta dodge. But you can see by then Williams was enraged and was screaming at the punks.
Still it's a victory and he should be recognized for standing his ground and doing it effectively enough not to end up in the hospital.

Racism... a pretty stupid idea altogether.
This is exactly why everyone should have a good working knowledge of self defense going for them. He definitely did the right thing by moving in circles, which saved him from being a stationary target. I applaud his guts, because it looked like backing down, was not an option. In fact turning and walking away could have been a disaster.

No kidding.

No sure of his background, if there is any, but I know some guys and even a girl or two that would have hit that first guy right in the throat when he got too close and would have then proceeded to destroying a knee or possibly permanantly blinding one or two of them if not castrating them through blunt force trauma.

I think he was extrememly lucky and his agility helped him out quite a bit, plus the arrival of several "witnesses" probably helped motivate the idiots to move along. However, I hold that you can't afford to take chances in multiple attacker scenarios...not even the slightest chance, and that you must assume that it's life or death. Anything less and you probably won't be as lucky.
The most aggressive punk looked like he could hold his own. I mean to say he ducked the hook, which if it landed would have put him away. He also tried a two legged take down to no avail. He also was coming in most of the time with his hands down, while the target had his hands in a defensive position the whole time. All in all I feel there is something to be learned for all of us, thanks Bill.
I have a few thoughts after reading the story and watching the videos.

1st. Nobody in this video had any credible martial arts skills, it was 4 amateurs, although the victim seemed to have the ability to move decently.

2nd. The "victim" yelled at the attackers after they had yelled at him, escalating the situation and causing them to stop and turn their truck around and come back. He is not an innocent victim, he chose to verbally strike back, and I do not blame him because I would have done the same thing... although I have trained extensively for those types of scenarios, it appears he has not.. not a briliant move on his part.

3rd. The attackers knew they wanted to clinch and take the bigger victim down. That was the only smart thing I saw them do in the scenario. For people training multiple attacker scenarios, this is the worst case scenario. If you go down your dead meat against multiple opponents, for the most part. "smart" group attackers will surround you and attack from behind and take you down immediately, they do not want to chance a screw up. These guys were amateurs but they did know to take the guy down.

4th. The attackers were pretty much all talk, despite their horrible slurs and taunts they got the victim down and proceeded to short punch him in fairly durable areas. A real bad *** would have broken his legs, curb kicked his head, and demolished the corpse.

5th. The guy had plenty of opportunity as was mentioned above to single out and use his reach and size advantage on his opponents, he either did not have knowledge on what to do, did not have the fortitude to do what was necessary, or did not take this as a legitimate threat on his life.

6th. the guy was keeping distance well, but with absolutely no gameplan. He was not trying to get away from the opponents, but he was not using his strategic advantages when they appeared. This is bad news, all this will do is get you tired... read my signature, you get tired and you die.

Translation to all my bullcrap here?.....this guy is damn lucky that he got away from this incident with a few stiches and hurt feelings. If these hoodlums had been efficient at all this guy would be needing serious surgeries to repair the damage...

You could go on and on about different things in this video. But it reminded me more of a high school amateur hour quad brawl, then hard core white supremacists and a blakc tough guy going at it.
You'll get no Monday morning quarterbacking from me on this. "Lucky" faults Mr. Phillips for yelling back at these jerkwads. Hell, I got so mad just watching it, I could feel the adrenal rush make me start to shake. The only thing that makes me fell better is knowing, that based on what I saw, those punks took more punishment than they dished out. BTW, I think Mr. Phillips handled himself well. The few real fights I've seen involving trained martial artists never looked clean and tidy like sparring back at the dojo.

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