Name of your Style (specificly): Cheezic Tang Soo Do
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: When I did Moo Duk Kwan, I was told "Way of the Worthy Hand." Nowadays, I'm told it means "Way of the Chinese Hand." Honestly, the exact English words dont really matter. The way I see it is that they're just a few asian characters that stand for a type of martial art. Any interpretation is just a rough approximation.
How long you've been a student: Moo Duk Kwan for about a year (many years ago). Now I've been doing Cheezic for about 9 months now.
Any federation or organization you belong to: the Cheezic federation.
Belt Rank: 8 gup Blue.
Short history of your specific style: GM Hwang Kee. Then, in this specific case, someone named Robert Cheezic decided to teach his own little version and formed a federation. I'm not mocking his accomplishments, but I have a feeling that it's all just the same Tang Soo Do to me. EVERY instructor will have his/her own way of looking at things, even within the same "federation." It's the important, core similiarities and fundamentals that matter in the art, not the subtle differences that one could find from school to school.
Comments/questions: I have a feeling that too many words about such a thing can kind of mangle the art as it is. It seems that TSD would benefit if more people would stop asking where exactly it came from and if what they are practicing now is exactly what GM Hwang Kee was doing, because nowadays, you can be 99% sure it's not exact.
And while I've got some momentum here.... I've noticed alot of people seem to debate the importance of sparring vs. forms vs. self defense, and deciding to rank them in importance. In TSD, I feel that they are all equally important. FAR too many people these days see martial arts as just a bunch of classes that one could take so they have the ability to beat up others with no problem, and that a black belt stands for nothing more than a reward for being someone that an ordinary person would be unwise to pick a fight with.
But in actuality, isn't it a means for self improvement and unity within oneself?