ALL STUDENTS OF Tang Soo Do!!!!!

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Hey Josh congrats on your promotion. When was your testing and and did you test in KC, La., or CT?
Name of your Style (specificly): Cheezic Tang Soo Do

What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: When I did Moo Duk Kwan, I was told "Way of the Worthy Hand." Nowadays, I'm told it means "Way of the Chinese Hand." Honestly, the exact English words dont really matter. The way I see it is that they're just a few asian characters that stand for a type of martial art. Any interpretation is just a rough approximation.

How long you've been a student: Moo Duk Kwan for about a year (many years ago). Now I've been doing Cheezic for about 9 months now.

Any federation or organization you belong to: the Cheezic federation.

Belt Rank: 8 gup Blue.

Short history of your specific style: GM Hwang Kee. Then, in this specific case, someone named Robert Cheezic decided to teach his own little version and formed a federation. I'm not mocking his accomplishments, but I have a feeling that it's all just the same Tang Soo Do to me. EVERY instructor will have his/her own way of looking at things, even within the same "federation." It's the important, core similiarities and fundamentals that matter in the art, not the subtle differences that one could find from school to school.

Comments/questions: I have a feeling that too many words about such a thing can kind of mangle the art as it is. It seems that TSD would benefit if more people would stop asking where exactly it came from and if what they are practicing now is exactly what GM Hwang Kee was doing, because nowadays, you can be 99% sure it's not exact.

And while I've got some momentum here.... I've noticed alot of people seem to debate the importance of sparring vs. forms vs. self defense, and deciding to rank them in importance. In TSD, I feel that they are all equally important. FAR too many people these days see martial arts as just a bunch of classes that one could take so they have the ability to beat up others with no problem, and that a black belt stands for nothing more than a reward for being someone that an ordinary person would be unwise to pick a fight with.

But in actuality, isn't it a means for self improvement and unity within oneself?
Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do YMCA
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: Way of the Chinese Hand
How long you've been a student: 10 years (March 1997)
Any federation or organization you belong to: Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan and Tang Soo Do YMCA in Korea.
Belt Rank: Sa (4th) Dan
Short history of your specific style: Tang Soo Do YMCA was created by Grandmaster Oh, Sae Joon (Dan Bon 26 according to the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Fed.) after he parted ways from Hwang Kee. His style was much tougher, incorporating full contact sparring and intense use of waist twisting and breathing conection in every movement. Not for the faint of heart or lazy person.
Comments/questions: Also a member of the Korea Karate-Do Association and Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Hae in Korea
Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: Way of the chinese hand
How long you've been a student: 8 years
Any federation or organization you belong to: international (uk) Tang Soo (Soo Bahk) Do Federation
Belt Rank: senior 1st dan
Short history of your specific style: GM Hwang Kee
Comments/questions: Strange to what ive found on here, we dont study grappling or weapons in my federation, which is why i train in Hapkido
Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: Way of the empty hand from defense to offense
Tang = defense to offense
Soo = empty hand
Do = Way of
How long you've been a student: 2 months; I test June 30! (tomorrow)
Any federation or organization you belong to: Once orange belt, 8th gup, will join American Tang Soo Do Association (ATA) headed by Grandmaster Richard Byrne
Belt Rank: white
Short history of your specific style: Grandmaster Hwang Kee
Comments/questions: None
Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do (Former-Moo Duk Kwan)

What you've been told Tang Soo Do means:
TANG=China, SOO =Hand, Do=The Way, Moo =Military, Duk =Ethics or Morals, Kwan = School

How long you've been a student: 36+ years

Any federation or organization you belong to: NONE

Belt Rank: 7th Degree Black Belt

Short history of your specific style: My direct instructor has been KJN C.I. Kim, he trained under Master Oh Seh Jun in Korea, who trained directly under KJN Hwang Kee.

Comments/questions: Remember, it is more important for us to come together over good training than to be parted by bad politics. This was KJN Hwang KeeÂ’s greatest hope. LetÂ’s make him happy!!!
Name of your Style (specificly): American Tang Soo Do (Chuck Norris System)
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: Art of the knife hand
How long you've been a student: Almost 18 years
Any federation or organization you belong to: None
Belt Rank: 4th Dan
Short history of your specific style: created by Master Chuck Norris. Norris began modifying the traditional Tang Soo Do-Moo Duk Kwan style he learned in Korea by adding elements of Judo, Shotokan, Shito-ryu, Gosoku-ryu, and American Kenpo.
Comments/questions: None
comments/questions - one
why so many long gone threads being resurrected?
Name of your Style (specificly): American Tang Soo Do (Chuck Norris System)
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: Art of the knife hand
How long you've been a student: Almost 18 years
Any federation or organization you belong to: None
Belt Rank: 4th Dan
Short history of your specific style: created by Master Chuck Norris. Norris began modifying the traditional Tang Soo Do-Moo Duk Kwan style he learned in Korea by adding elements of Judo, Shotokan, Shito-ryu, Gosoku-ryu, and American Kenpo.
Comments/questions: None

Does your school have affiliation with Grandmaster Richard Byrne???
Name of your Style: Tang Soo Do, no specifics

What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: China Hand Way if translated for formal equivalence, but Way of the Chinese Hand if translated for dynamic equivalence (what it really means). Think of how Tode, and thus Karate, were initially to mean Way of the Chinese Hand. As far as I know, the change to Way of the Empty Hand came from Gichin Funikoshi and the Japanese (since they weren't as particularly fond of China as the Okinawans were).

How long you've been a student: Started in TSD ~20 years ago. Also trained in Nihonkai Ryu Jujitsu, Aikido & AikiKenjutsu, various forms of kickboxing and street-fighting, wrestling, and studied in martial arts history.

Any federation or organization you belong to: absolutely none!

Belt Rank: 3rd dan black belt in TSD

Short history of your specific style: When I began training 20 years ago, it was under Chong Su Kim, founder/president of the Pan Am Tang Soo Do Federation. I trained in his system for ~10 years. Many of C.S. Kim's students left him to form the United Tang Soo Do Alliance. I was a member of this organization for a short time. Now I am not involved with any TSD organizations and my martial arts abilities are growing exponentially.

Comments/questions: Many of the great Masters of the past foresaw the way in which breaking the arts into styles, systems, and organizations may be problematic to the continuation and preservation of the arts. We all need to keep the arts alive by working together and seeking virtuous thought, virtuous behavior, and good technique. Too much of the martial arts has been beseiged by politics, power-trips, greed, and "glitter".

"If people say Keet Kune Do is different from 'this' or from 'that', then let the name of Jeet Kune Do be wiped out, for that is what it is, just a name. Please don't fuss over it."
-Bruce Lee
Tao of Jeet Kune Do
The names and the histories of our arts are important and must be preserved, but we must not let ourselves be blinded by specifics. I'm proud of my TSD history and knowledge, but above anything I'm simply a person seeking knowledge.​
Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: The Way of the China Hand
How long you've been a student: 4 yrs
Any federation or organization you belong to: Cheezic Tang Soo Do
Belt Rank: Cho Dan
Short history of your specific style: GM Cheezic studied under Master Jae Shin in Korea he recieved his black belt from GM Hwang Kee in 1960. The federation was founded in 1971
Name of your Style (specificly): Pyong Moo Do

Art I practice: Tang Soo Do

What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: China hand way.

How long you've been a student: 16 yrs

Any federation or organization you belong to: Pyong Moo Do Tang Soo Do Assc.

Belt Rank: 2nd dan

Short history of your specific style: Peaceful Warrior Way China Hand Way

Comments/questions: none at this time..
Funny, I thought you were Mi Guk Kwan, looking at your Avatar, What is Pyong Moo Do Tang Soo Do Assc. ?? is there a website?
Name of your Style (specificly):

Tang Soo Jutsu

What you've been told Tang Soo Do means:

Tang = China
Soo = Hand
Do = Way

How long you've been a student:

37 years

Any federation or organization you belong to:

1972-1983... No association, organization, Federation affiliation.
1983, November - Joined U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Fed.
1990- Left Fed. permanently.

Belt Rank:

7th degree black belt

Short history of your specific style:

In May, 2006 I separated from my Korean instructor for many reasons. The primary reason was, as he stated, I look too Okinawan. There is a great reason for my looking too Okinawan. I have been involved in training in Okinawan Karate since 1972. Everything that we have in Tang Soo Do (not Soo Bahk Do) came from Okinawan Karate. By studying the Okinawan systems that preceed Tang Soo Do I have established a far deeper understanding of what our curriculum was intended to be and how it was intended to work.

GM Kim told me that I had to either perform and teach his way, or start my own system. I have since established Tang Soo Jutsu. My system is based on the Tang Soo Do Hyung curriculum, but taught closer to the original way it was taught in Okinawa pre-1900.

The term Jutsu refers to the applications of the techniques that were used in war time prior to firearms. The depth and understanding that we bring to our training is vastly different than that taught in Traditional Tang Soo Do dojangs.

Name of your Style (specificly): tang soo do moo duk kwon
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: the way of the china hand, knife hand and open hand
How long you've been a student: 14 years
Any federation or organization you belong to: none
Belt Rank: 4th dan
Short history of your specific style: hwang kee
Comments/questions: why is it that the same style has so many different variations of forms?

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