ALL STUDENTS OF Tang Soo Do!!!!!

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Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do

What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: The way of the hand as influenced by the Tang Dynasty of China

How long you've been a student: 6 - 7 years (no longer study it)

Any federation or organization you belong to: United Martial Arts Federation

Belt Rank: 1st Dan

Short history of your specific style: My instructor was a student of Young K. Kwan, who came to the US from Seoul, Korea
Name of your Style (specificly): Tang Soo Do Shim Gung
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: The way of the chinese Hand, or the art of the T'ang Warriors
How long you've been a student: 16+ Years
Any federation or organization you belong to: Former WTSDA, Former Jin Shim Kwan, former ITF, Now Pan Am Tang Soo Do
Belt Rank: 3rd DAN
Short history of your specific style: Several years ago we parted away from WTSDA because of politics we don't agree with. We joined ITF but they showed no interest in us. The we joined a Mexican federation, Jin Shim Kwan, years after that we joined Pan Am TSD.
Name of your Style (specificly): tang soo (so bahk) do moo duk kwan
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: the way of the china hand
How long you've been a student: 15 years
Any federation or organization you belong to:UK Tang Soo (soo Bahk) Do federation
Belt Rank: 2nd dan
Short history of your specific style:GM Hwang kee - GM Lee Kang Uk
Comments/questions: Pilsung
Name of your Style (specificly): tang soo do moo duk kwon
What you've been told Tang Soo Do means: the way of the china hand, knife hand and open hand
How long you've been a student: 14 years
Any federation or organization you belong to: none
Belt Rank: 4th dan
Short history of your specific style: hwang kee
Comments/questions: why is it that the same style has so many different variations of forms?

This is a common question to be asked...

When ever you have a Federation, Organization, Association, etc. of any kind where politics are involved, or members find that they have a different view or opinion you will have those who choose to splinter off and start their own "Way" or system.

In the Tang Soo Do community there are many "Kwan Jang Nim's". Most of them are teaching the same thing, or close to the same thing, while others have implemented changes that make them a little different, and in some cases, very different or completely different. The problem is that with these changes they have chosen to continue to call their system "Tang Soo Do". Some of these members of our community were upset when they were told that they could not call themselves "Moo Duk Kwan", as they thought that Moo Duk Kwan was part of the name of their system, as in "Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan", or Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do".

While most of us understand that "Tang Soo Do" was the name of the system taught by KJN Hwang Kee and that "Moo Duk Kwan" was the name of KJN Hwang Kee's organization, others thought that this was the complete name of the art that they had been taught and had trained in for many years.

"Tang Soo Do" today has many faces and varies from dojang to dojang. What I enjoy most about and other like discussion boards is that we can all come together to share what we know and what we teach to one another. I believe that this was truly KJN Hwang Kee's hope for us all in the first place. I don't believe that he intended for us all to continue training in 1945 Tang Soo Do forever. He wrote about Ryu Pa (the natural order of the flow in nature) extensively. He understood that a system that remains frozen in time is to be considered a dead art, and nothing more.

Let's all continue to come together for good sharing and learning. If KJN Hwang Kee is looking down on us from on high, let him smile, knowing that we are living his dream, regardless of the politics that others live by...
Tang Soo Do -Korean Karate
10 years
3rd Dan

my 2 cents, tang soo do 's CORE IS The same Most Tang Soo Do School Do the same forms. The things that make each school different is the way instructors teach and the way they think things should be done. For example some tang soo do school use midnight blue some use black in the end does it matter still a Dan. In closing the body can only move so many ways so make all the moves you learn work for you!
also make sure that your having fun while your learning, if ur not having fun find a different dojo lifes to short to not have fun while trainning

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