Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
Pardon me but I think my idiocy is showing.
After reading through the thread again I realize I have more questions. I no longer train any Japanese martial arts and I haven’t for many years. I train CMA and I have discovered that the Japanese terminology being used I do not understand fully or at all.
From WAAAAAY back in my Jujitsu days all I can remember are belt rankings from White to Black; White, Green, Brown, Black and the various grades in between.
So what does shidoshi level student mean?
Also I made an assumption here that maybe I should not have made. I assumed that Togakure Ryu Ninpo, Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu, Koto Ryu Koppojutsu, Shinden Fudo Ryu Daken Taijutsu, Kukishin Ryu Taijutsu, Takagiyoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu, Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo, Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo, Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu were various styles or schools of Ninjutsu much the same as there is Chen Style Tai Chi, Yang style Tai Chi. Or Hebei style xingyi, Shanxi style xingyi, Henan style Xingyi, etc.
Was that a correct assumption?
EDIT: and addition
I study non-sport Sanda as well and it pretty much trains kicks, punches, joint locks, take downs, etc.
Jujitsu, WAAAAY back when I did it had kicks punches, joint locks, throws, etc.
Other style I have done or do include weapons training
What makes up Ninjitsu?
Or if there is a post I should read somewhere else just tell me or possibly a book that might give me an idea.
After reading through the thread again I realize I have more questions. I no longer train any Japanese martial arts and I haven’t for many years. I train CMA and I have discovered that the Japanese terminology being used I do not understand fully or at all.
From WAAAAAY back in my Jujitsu days all I can remember are belt rankings from White to Black; White, Green, Brown, Black and the various grades in between.
So what does shidoshi level student mean?
Also I made an assumption here that maybe I should not have made. I assumed that Togakure Ryu Ninpo, Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu, Koto Ryu Koppojutsu, Shinden Fudo Ryu Daken Taijutsu, Kukishin Ryu Taijutsu, Takagiyoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu, Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo, Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo, Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu were various styles or schools of Ninjutsu much the same as there is Chen Style Tai Chi, Yang style Tai Chi. Or Hebei style xingyi, Shanxi style xingyi, Henan style Xingyi, etc.
Was that a correct assumption?
EDIT: and addition
I study non-sport Sanda as well and it pretty much trains kicks, punches, joint locks, take downs, etc.
Jujitsu, WAAAAY back when I did it had kicks punches, joint locks, throws, etc.
Other style I have done or do include weapons training
What makes up Ninjitsu?
Or if there is a post I should read somewhere else just tell me or possibly a book that might give me an idea.