Question on the usefulness of ninjutsu?

I think that if you are looking to increase your striking and kicking capabilities, ninjutsu might not be for you. Still, continue your research, try out a few dojos, shy away from YouTube clips, and then you'll know.

If you want to improve your striking, then there are plenty of arts that focus really highly on that out there to try. JKD, Tae Kwon Do, Western Boxing, etc.

As such, I wouldn't recommend ninjutsu for someone wishing to increase their grappling skills, either... =P

Mr. Parker really nailed it (in my opinion) by stating that ninjutsu is a "generalist" art. It doesn't do any one specific thing really well, but after years of training and dedication, it does do what it does really well.

You question was on the usefulness of ninjutsu. Well, I believe ninjutsu, like other martial arts, is a tool shaped by the philosophy of the art. And a tool is only as useful as the job it was designed to do. So learn about what ninjutsu is for, and if what it is for is not what you need something for, then it is not the tool of use for you.

Hope that helps with the original post some. :)
Yeah, I get it now thanks.

At the moment I'm looking into Western Boxing and Karate.
Cool stuff. I hope you find something that works for you.

What kind of karate are you looking into?
I'm doing my best to research Wado-Ryu right now, since I've heard that it incorporates Jujitsu into its attack patterns (which should blend with my judo). Can anybody provide any advice regarding that? I should probably post this in the Karate sub-forums, though...
Due to it's origins, Wado Ryu Karate is sometimes considered a branch of Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujutsu, which is probably what you are refering to. It features more circular movement and a higher emphasis on grappling (locks, throws, takedowns etc) than other karate systems.
Thanks. I posted a new thread in the Karate forums where my new questions will have a larger audience, I think this thread has fulfilled its purpose.