
hong kong fooey

Black Belt
okay A while ago I sprained my ankle doing a tornado kick and now I am kinda hestiant on doing them because I don't want to sprain my ankle again. any suggestions in helping getting back my confidence in my Tornado kicks so I am not afraid I am going to sprain my ankle again?
You are going to get hurt every once in a while whether you practice anything for that matter not just MA. And yeah man pain is scary and it can take a toll on your confidence, but you dont want to let that beat you do you? I mean you dont want to limit yourself as a result of a sprain knee. Look at all the really good fighters out there, the ones that compete today, the ones that competed when you were a child and you were only able to read about them on magazines and what not, a lot of those guys went through far worse than sprain ankles and such. I always try to look at obstacles as blessings, they can only make you a tougher person if you are willing to work your way through and beating them.

When I first started sparring like 2 months into it, a green belt broke my nose. And let me tell you it hurt and it was a shocker because I had never had my nose busted like that before. I seriously at that point considered quitting because it was scary, but I didnt, and not quitting made me a tougher person and neither should you quit doing tornado kicks as a result of an injury. Quitting is always the easy way, there is nothing to gain from quitting, but sticking through it and conquering your fears man thats an accomplishment.
I've had "bad ankles" for years. What I would suggest first is figuring out why you sprained your anke. For instance, the reason I did was because I tend to stand slightly on the outside of my feet and once I get airborn as in such a kick, I tend to turn my feet in. The outside of my foot alone cannot support my landing. Wala. Sprain. Try to find out what you did wrong. Maybe it's a bad habit like mine or maybe it was a one time thing.

Next. Get an ankle brace. It will not only help you physically, but mentally as well. Ultimately, you'll stop thinking about it, and at that time maybe stop wearing it. I never go to TKD class without them. Most of the adults in my school now where them because such an injury is pretty common and like me, they don't wear them because they need them, they wear them as preventive maintanence. FWIW. I recommend Bioskins.

Good luck!
Hong Kong Fooey the thing to remember is if you do not try it will never be. One must remember that injury is part of your training it is how the mind holds uo to it before the actual training beguns, as you can see from your post your wondering what is going to happen your mind needs to be right before trying again. Meditate and go get some independent counseling from anothe person and get back in there and train.
It's really simple, just ice it and rest it. Don't try pushing it until it's completely healed or else you're back at square one. We're not splitting the atom here, when your ankle is healthy just slide back into your normal training. But just remember to take it slowly, one step at a time so you don't reinjure yourself, that all... :idunno: