Hoping to kick again


White Belt
I get to find out tomorrow if I can start kicking again with my left leg in sparring. I had an ankle sprain/bone contusion for a while from competitive swimming. I got my leg caught in the pool gutter during a flip turn and banged my ankle on the concrete when I kicked myself out of it. I hope that the doctor will let me start kicking again. Everyone keeps asking when I can kick again at the dojang. My boyfriend got me involved in the 1st place. So I hear about it outside of practice as well. Especially since him, his sister, and his mom are all in TKD. Then his friend is my instructor. I can never escape the ankle talk.
Wow, that sucks. I really hope you can start using your leg. You kick with your leg predominantly? That's cool, most people I know use there right leg. Best of luck to you
Take your time KickingAngel. I've been there before. If you do start kicking, do it lightly and test the water so to speak. And until it's healed, I suggest alot of hand techniques (might as well!)

Get the instructor to let you do combination punches while others do the more difficult kicks till your leg is fully healed.

Become a 'PunchingKickingAngle'!
