Question re: TKD or TSD

TigerWoman said:
My school is WTF, Olympic style but we have been doing point sparring in tourneys. We are Taeguek in forms at first until after 1st Dan. All our stances are very long and deep at least that is what we strive for. It didn't change when I learned traditional form Chonji etc., still long and deep and I think, more complicated in my opinion. So, I guess not all schools are the same.
After 1st dan, do you still do the WTF black belt patterns, Koryo, Keumgang, etc? Or do you do some of the higher ITF forms, Po Eun, Ul Ji, and such?

Some of the higher ITF forms are crazy complicated from what I've seen. :erg:

Traditionally, the Taegeuk forms have what is called a "walking stance" where most styles use a front stance. It's basically a front stance, just taller - it keeps the weight higher so kicks can be thrown more easily - less weight shift, etc. They do have some front stances though, if I remember correctly...
I have learned Koryo which is BB form for Taeguek. And Kwang Gye/BB for Traditional forms. Tested on those and 18 others. But I still have one break pending for 2nd Dan which I have posted all over this board since it is my supreme dilemma right now. (Bad, unstable landing knee for a jump back-2 bds and immediate jump spin heel-2 finger hold-1 bd. on other leg....been doing this for a YEAR and have cracked the top board 3 times but not in two pieces) But AFTER this, God Willing, I will learn the next one for Taeguek, Keumgang and for Traditional, Po Eun. I am in LIMBO. But then I have sort of a "different" relationship with my instructor. I am not sure he will teach me even then. (big long story, can't tell it on the web).

In Taeguek, our 1st form had all long, forward stances, the second-walking and long, the third-orange and fourth-green a combination then after that all long stances.
Faye said:
However, when the instructor told me the name of the forms, Pyung Ahn, and also because she stresses lower stance, I think they practice Tang Soo Do!
WHy does the school advertise itself as a taekwondo school???
Pyang Ahn is the Korean way to say the Okinawan word Pinan.
The Pinan were inveted/developed by an Okinawan named Itosu around 1900.
The Pyang Ahn/Pinan kata were practiced in TKD as well as TSD. Whether this is still true I can't say for sure.
MichTKD is CORRECT! I am a Kodanja in Moo Duk Kwan Tang Soo Do and Moo Duk Kwan Tae Kwon Do, and he is right on with his statement!

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