Question about JKD (yes, in Kenpo forum)

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The reason I am asking about JKD in this forum is that I am new (havent even started, actually) to martial arts and was trying to decide one. Based on my preferences in what I want (street practical, conditioning, lifelong learning) and local availability, I have decided on either Jeet Kune Do or American Kenpo.
The problem is that they both seem fairly similar: somewhat nontraditional, "scienctific" priniciples, "simple" techniques, sparring, etc. In fact, they seem so similar I'm not sure what to do. The problem with Kenpo appears to be lack of grappling/ground techniques (I hear you learn them as "advanced" methods?). The problem with JKD is it seems very "vague", I'm even unclear if they have a specific curriculum or if its just a mixture of other arts.
I realize that historically Mr. Parker and Bruce Lee had similar interests and that, ultimately, the decision is my own, but does anyone have any experience/input for me? Thanks!

I would ask on JKD forum but this forum seems to be where the action is! :)
The goal of both AK and JKD is to flow in totality. However, they are opposites in terms of getting to that goal.

American Kenpo uses a complex ' base reference ' system for the purpose of teaching principles, patterns, and concepts of combat. JKD ( in it's original context, at least ) utilizes a handful of strong basic movements, as well as simple techniques and combinations ( much fewer than AK ) to give it's practitioners ' freedom ' ( as they put it ).

All depends on what you feel comfortable learning. If possible, give both a try; it's a sure-fire way to learn a good deal about what kind of student you are.
if you have access to both schools, definitely visit them both. take it all in...see if you can sit in on some classes or even participate a little. they should let you. see how the instructor teaches...see how the students learn and preform, then make the decision. i would also ask the owner how long they have been established (sometimes you sign up at a school and a couple months later they close down).

just because there are two schools that teach JKD and Kenpo respectively, doesn't neccessarily mean that they teach them well. scope 'em out!
well I studied JKD for a short time and found That I could incorporate alot of JKD "techniques" into my Kenpo. Things such as "stop kicks, right hand blasts, etc" a kenpo figher can use.

However, I found JKD to be too "free" and "rigid" at the same time. Free in that you improvise as you fight, which is good, and rigid in the alot of it was founded in "Jun Fan Gung Fu", which is rooted in Wing Chun I beleive...and then some claim you cannot be a "true" JKD artist unless you study Jun Fan". Me, I didn't care one way or another, I just wanted to add some of it to my arsenal.

But alot of what has happened in JKD is exactly what has/is happening in Kenpo. The creator of the art dies and many claim to be the one that will carry on the tradition of Kenpo. JKD has factions such as "JKD Concepts, etc" while there is "JKD Original".I am in no position to say which one is correct but JKD is definitely a formidable art to learn.
Originally posted by Ender
But alot of what has happened in JKD is exactly what has/is happening in Kenpo. The creator of the art dies and many claim to be the one that will carry on the tradition of Kenpo. JKD has factions such as "JKD Concepts, etc" while there is "JKD Original".I am in no position to say which one is correct but JKD is definitely a formidable art to learn.

The biggest difference is Bruce ACTUALLY NAMED a successor.
Originally posted by Kirk
The biggest difference is Bruce ACTUALLY NAMED a successor.

That is true, But there were others who he also trained who are quite capable of teaching JKD. Their point of contention is the Bruce was always refining his art and that JKD was no form. So if Bruce was alive today would his art be the same as the original? just interesting to think about.
Tell you what, if you've got the time, money and energy to cross train in both at once, you'll turn into one badass fighter!


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