Question about BaGua


Black Belt
I have watched in internet several videos about this internal martial art. Estetically it really looks good and it seems very good as MA against multiple enemies. Anyway it has a form which moves alot in multi directions.
My question is, since the form has alot of movement in it how effective is BaGua in small areas like it could be a small room? Once a BaGua player finds himself fighting in an area where he cannot move alot has problems? Or BaGua is very versatile and it is very effective also in small spaces?

No criticism in here, please don't misunderstand, it is just a curiosity from someone who doesn't know the Art.
charyuop said:
I have watched in internet several videos about this internal martial art. Estetically it really looks good and it seems very good as MA against multiple enemies. Anyway it has a form which moves alot in multi directions.
My question is, since the form has alot of movement in it how effective is BaGua in small areas like it could be a small room? Once a BaGua player finds himself fighting in an area where he cannot move alot has problems? Or BaGua is very versatile and it is very effective also in small spaces?

No criticism in here, please don't misunderstand, it is just a curiosity from someone who doesn't know the Art.

My limited experience with Bagua says it will do just fine. Many Bagua styles also have an element of Xingyi (which is linear) and face it the form is just the form and you would not be following the form in a real fight.

However your question could probably be answered better by Shrewsbury, pstarr or Gaoguy.
bagua is based on a siraling motion, the spiral offers endless angles, a bagua practitioner doe snot have to walk circles or spin around, the spiral is from the ground up in a horizontal and vertical movement, it is often very small in movements, and at and advanced the level the spiral becomes internal and it apperas the person is barely moving at all.
for theinternal arts to work one must be very close to the opponent, very close, so romm does not matter, in fact the smaller the area means the less places they can go to move away.

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