Queen and Prince ?

I do wish people would stop saying the Royal Family can't do this or that, etc. It's a modern organisation, pays taxes and has enough young people in it and working for it to keep it relevant.
Alright well its just something I heard about people in the royal family how they're not supposed to make direct physical contact with people who aren't royalty, if that's wrong then I stand corrected.
Alright well its just something I heard about people in the royal family how they're not supposed to make direct physical contact with people who aren't royalty, if that's wrong then I stand corrected.
I'm not sure why you'd believe it in this day and age, there's mountains of media coverage of them interacting with non Royals. Charles, William and Harry as well as Edward and Andrew have all served in the military, doing proper job alongside non Royals. Despite what people think of Andrew now, in the Falklands War he saved a lot of lives, he was a hero, put his life on the line to rescue soldiers and sailors.
Despite what people think of Andrew now, in the Falklands War he saved a lot of lives, he was a hero, put his life on the line to rescue soldiers and sailors.
sometimes, later, heinous crimes can negate any previous, virtuous acts. We don’t have to look too far back, to a certain character who was a decorated WWI soldier 🤢🤮
Girl guides aren’t normal kids, Tez3. They’re predominantly middle class kids with middle-classed parent’s attitudes. Kid’s from the ghettos of Manchester etc don‘t care about the Royals…why would they be….they are so far removed from them and their impoverished lives.

William and Kate are cool, but the others can take a running jump!
I'm sorry but you are very, very wrong. We have Guides in the poorest parts of the inner cities, we have Guides in cities, towns and in the country, we have Guiding in hospital and prisons for the prisoner's children. It's actually never been for middle class children, that's a myth spread by haters of female achievers, it's disgusting. I assume you actually know nothing about us at all, and you certainly don't know anything about girls and what they think about.
We campaign, we change things, we teach and learn, we are girl led. You are really insulting us with your comments, you insult girls who come from poor backgrounds too insinuating they wouldn't fit in an organisation that is for them, they learn so much in Guiding, confidence, self esteem, teamwork as well as practical skills. They get the chance to travel, here and abroad ( we all fund raise) they learn to lead, take decisions and challenge themselves as well as society. They campaign on issues that concern them, violence against females, sanitary product availability here and abroad, female equality, climate change, internet safety for females etc. They make lifelong friends, they are amazing. I'm insulted too that you think I'd pander to group of middle class kids rather than work with my sisters to improve women and girls lives here and around the world, well ten million of us can't be wrong.

This started a few years ago and is ongoing,

sometimes, later, heinous crimes can negate any previous, virtuous acts. We don’t have to look too far back, to a certain character who was a decorated WWI soldier 🤢🤮
I've no idea who you mean.

Having sex with a girl over the age of consent who had been groomed to throw herself at you is not a heinous crime. Andrew 's crime was that his balls did the thinking, he was deliberately flattered, coaxed and pandered to by Epstein because he wanted to blackmail him, he was like a spider in his web collecting information on people he could then use to his benefit. Andrew is not that bright and thought it was his charm and wit the girl was attracted to, not that she'd be used by Epstein to use him. People like to pull others down, the higher the better, hounds baying for blood. Andrew is a bloody fool but he committed no other crime than being an idiot, by lying instead of just saying he was stupid. However it's conveniently hidden all the others used in the same way as well as those such as ex Presidents who were best mates with Epstein. Still it keeps the people happy hating him, hating Camilla, worshipping Diana and posting hate posts on social media.
Girl guides aren’t normal kids, Tez3. They’re predominantly middle class kids with middle-classed parent’s attitudes. Kid’s from the ghettos of Manchester etc don‘t care about the Royals…why would they be….they are so far removed from them and their impoverished lives.

William and Kate are cool, but the others can take a running jump!

Our founder. Agnes Baden-Powell | Home

"Another form of wartime Guiding should be mentioned - Guiding in Concentration Camps, both in Europe and in the far east. In the far east in particular, many British children had lived in colonies and protectorates whilst their parents were working there, and when these colonies were suddenly invaded, all British adults and children were captured and taken to special camps, to stay there for the duration of the war. Others, whose parents were based 'up-country' doing mission work, were captured at their boarding schools when war broke out, and were imprisoned together with their teachers, often not knowing whether their parents were captured or still free. In the camps the teachers tried to occupy the children's endless free time, both with schooling, and often with Guide and Scout groups. These special units sometimes had members from many nations, and a programme of activities and challenges based on a merger of the different countries' programmes, adapted to circumstances - the 'half-day's hike' for first class might involve an appropriate number of laps of the camp perimeter, before the candidate could use the special stock of twigs to make a miniature model of a cooking fire, and describe just how she would light the twigs with an imaginary match and cook the imaginary food on an imaginary full-size version of the model she had built. The ingenuity and bravery of the Guiders, who worked so hard to keep the children's spirits up day after day and year after year, despite the starvation conditions and the debilitating illnesses which were often rife in the camps, should not be forgotten. "

"Guides were told that it was time to start preparing an army of volunteers, ready to go into Europe as soon as war ended, to 'win the peace'. This, at a time when it was by no means certain that Britain would even win the war . . .

This idea, or ideal, suggested by the Guides themselves, became the GIS, or Guide International Service. Soon applications were being received from Rangers and Young Guiders who wanted to serve on the teams, and commando-style selection weekends were held, with the applicants being challenged to cope with difficult situations and unexpected problems on no sleep and little food, hauling their kit cross-country along muddy tracks on trek carts. Those who were not old enough to apply for selection to the teams were challenged too - the chosen teams would need funds, both to buy equipment, and to provide the living expenses for the volunteers who would be leaving homes and jobs in order to serve on the teams for many months at a time. So the GIS fund was established and fundraising began. The first team set out in July 1944 to Greece. They tried to learn some of the language during the days on the voyage there, and once they arrived they found themselves involved in providing healthcare and supplying clothing rations to villagers in remote areas, often travelling on foot over mountain passes, the clothing bundles being carried on pack mules. They were soon spotted by local Guides, who saw and recognised the trefoil badge on the sleeve of the army tunics the volunteers wore, and these local Guides became involved in supporting the work as helpers and interpreters. A hospital unit, complete with medicines and a mobile laboratory, headed into the Netherlands on the day it was liberated, and soon set up a fully functioning hospital to diagnose and treat infectious diseases, working through the major typhoid epidemic, and then setting up maternity hospitals and feeding stations for the starving. Later a group went into the Belsen concentration camp to help with food and nutrition, and deal with the repatriation of 'displaced persons' who were now free but needed help to find homes to go to and a means of setting up in work. A further group of volunteers, from Australia, headed to Malaya to fight tropical diseases and help locals who had suffered following the invasion there. The work of the GIS continued until 1950, long after other relief organisations had had to pull out for want of funds, and despite the ongoing shortages and rationing in Britain. Throughout these years the work of the teams was entirely supported by the ongoing fundraising efforts and donations from individual Guides, Patrols and units. As well as relief work, trainings were run in europe by the GIS volunteers to help restart Guiding in the countries where it had had to lie dormant"

I could post what Girl Guides/Scouts do in every country but I'll stick with this.

Our campaigns are successful, one reason why some people choose to malign us.
In 2014 girls decided that they wanted to challenge the representation of women in the media by supporting the No More Page 3 campaign. With the weight of Girlguiding members behind it, the campaign succeeded in persuading The Sun newspaper to remove topless women from Page 3.

I've been in Guiding since I joined as a Brownie, from 7 so that's over 60 years, not one unit I was in, and there's been a few even when I was a child, has been middle class, always working class and girls never much money, we had second hand uniforms and saved for our subs. The girls still do that now. Don't look down on them because you are mistaken about who they are, it demeans all the hard work they do when you assume they're given everything on a plate.
I'm not sure why you'd believe it in this day and age, there's mountains of media coverage of them interacting with non Royals. Charles, William and Harry as well as Edward and Andrew have all served in the military, doing proper job alongside non Royals. Despite what people think of Andrew now, in the Falklands War he saved a lot of lives, he was a hero, put his life on the line to rescue soldiers and sailors.
Because I don't watch the Royal family that much on the media and I've certainly never paid much attention to details, not before the last few months when, due to recent events, the Royal family has become a huge focus. Before that though I didn't really watch or follow the Royal family, in the media or otherwise.
sometimes, later, heinous crimes can negate any previous, virtuous acts. We don’t have to look too far back, to a certain character who was a decorated WWI soldier 🤢🤮
It takes a lifetime to build a good reputation but only a moment to ruin it.

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