Queen and Prince ?

That's nice.

The King is 'His Majesty' now, his wife whoever she was is Queen Consort as she's not Queen in her own right, it's a fancy way of saying she's married to the king. She's addressed as Your Majesty, and will be crowned alongside Charles in May.

William and Catherine formerly the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are now the Prince and Princess of Wales.
The wife of the King can be Queen (although not this time, due to past scandals). But the husband of a Queen cannot be King. I see it as a holdover from medieval patriarchal thinking. A King can have a Queen, and that's fine. But a Queen cannot have a King, because that would mean he outranked her.
Just because it’s ‘not her role’, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have attempted to protect her King just as we might defend a stranger on the street from attack with dairy products. If we lived in one of those countries where Kerfir or Skyr are freely available, the King could’ve been seriously stained and would need a new suit at the very least!

My uni flatmates father was Lord Lieutenant of ?South Yorkshire? (he lived in Sheffield, anyway).
Just because it’s ‘not her role’, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have attempted to protect her King just as we might defend a stranger on the street from attack with dairy products. If we lived in one of those countries where Kerfir or Skyr are freely available, the King could’ve been seriously stained and would need a new suit at the very least!
Oh, the HUMANITY of it all!
Just because it’s ‘not her role’, it doesn’t mean she shouldn’t have attempted to protect her King just as we might defend a stranger on the street from attack with dairy products. If we lived in one of those countries where Kerfir or Skyr are freely available, the King could’ve been seriously stained and would need a new suit at the very least!

My uni flatmates father was Lord Lieutenant of ?South Yorkshire? (he lived in Sheffield, anyway).
I didn't say it wasn't her role, I said she wasn't expected to defend the king, she's not military, has no martial arts skill and would have been briefed to stay out of the way in the case of any attack etc as she could impede the professional bodyguards, that's the SOP.

Sheffield is in the West Riding, which is what Yorkshire people call it even though the government changed it to South Yorkshire, we're in the North Riding.
You clearly haven’t slopped Kefriar down your front. It’s a pain to get out…especially the flavoured stuff!😑
The wife of the King can be Queen (although not this time, due to past scandals). But the husband of a Queen cannot be King. I see it as a holdover from medieval patriarchal thinking. A King can have a Queen, and that's fine. But a Queen cannot have a King, because that would mean he outranked her.
Camilla will be Queen Consort, she's being crowned along with Charles in May. Whoever Charles married would be Queen Consort same as William, Catherine will also be Queen Consort.
A Queens husband won't be king because he needs to know his place. If you think that's wrong wait until you see the rules for Catholics.
You clearly haven’t slopped Kefriar down your front. It’s a pain to get out…especially the flavoured stuff!😑
I don't drink it but you'd be surprised what I've had thrown over me by so called peace demonstrators.
I didn't say it wasn't her role, I said she wasn't expected to defend the king, she's not military,
Why the military-style uniform then?

If I wore this out and about and an asteroid was found to be headed our way, what would people expect me to do? Yes…fly the space shuttle to it and destroy it with thermonuclear devices, but I’d be misleading them since I don’t have a shuttle driving license 😑

I never heard it called the West Riding in my 20 odd years in Sheffield, only South Yorkshire.
Why the military-style uniform then?
View attachment 29292
If I wore this out and about and an asteroid was found to be headed our way, what would people expect me to do? Yes…fly the space shuttle to it and destroy it with thermonuclear devices, but I’d be misleading them since I don’t have a shuttle driving license 😑

I never heard it called the West Riding in my 20 odd years in Sheffield, only South Yorkshire.
Eh lad thou's not heard of t'Ridings? Ridings of Yorkshire - Wikishire

It's a uniform, lots of people wear them, have you seen firefighter's dress uniforms? Or the Merchant Navy, some security companies, the Corps of Commissionaires, Coastguards, Prison Service and a lot more that are basically military uniforms (literally, they are sold on by the MoD) but the way you tell who is military and who isn't is to look at the insignia. You can't beat a good badge.

I don't think anyone would expect you to do anything with just a helmet on and there's no insignia to tell us what you are 😂
Eh lad thou's not heard of t'Ridings? Ridings of Yorkshire - Wikishire
I have, but I thought it was part of London 🤔

It's a uniform, lots of people wear them, have you seen firefighter's dress uniforms? Or the Merchant Navy, some security companies, the Corps of Commissionaires, Coastguards, Prison Service and a lot more that are basically military uniforms (literally, they are sold on by the MoD) but the way you tell who is military and who isn't is to look at the insignia. You can't beat a good badge.
Well it shouldn’t be allowed!
I don't think anyone would expect you to do anything with just a helmet on and there's no insignia to tell us what you are 😂
It’s a Soviet abs the pressure suit in in my wardrobe…and putting it on made me realise just how claustrophobic I am!
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Camilla will be Queen Consort, she's being crowned along with Charles in May. Whoever Charles married would be Queen Consort same as William, Catherine will also be Queen Consort.
Historically, the wife of a King has often been Queen, or Queen consort. Because Queen is subservient to King.
No husband of a Queen has ever been King, nor King Consort. Phillip was styled Prince Consort, since he was a Prince by birth. The only two other male royal consorts in all of history were give Ducal titles.
It's just residual patriarchy.
A Queens husband won't be king because he needs to know his place. If you think that's wrong wait until you see the rules for Catholics.
I'm familiar. Remember that though I am an American, both sides of my family are pure Scottish (one highland clan and one lowland, so you can imagine the internal conflicts!), and I grew up in Europe, mostly in the UK.
I'm familiar. Remember that though I am an American, both sides of my family are pure Scottish (one highland clan and one lowland, so you can imagine the internal conflicts!), and I grew up in Europe, mostly in the UK.
There were internal conflicts between ancestral high- and low landers in your family? Over things that happened hundreds of year ago? I was educated in Scotland and remember a banner slung over a balcony during ‘marching season, which admonished any English people reading it to ‘Remember Bannockburn - 1314’ and marvelled at the long memories of some people 😂

I’m not sure the idea of ‘pure Scottish’ really has any meaning (please watch the completely factually accurate ‘Braveheart’ documentary with Gel Mibson 😉).
I have, but I thought it was part of London 🤔
Ridings of Yorkshire - Wikishire

Well it shouldn’t be allowed!

It’s a Soviet abs the pressure suit in in my wardrobe…and putting it on made me realise just how claustrophobic I am!
My very Yorkshire husband has just passed out at such heresy.

Military respirators have hopefully improved since I was in because they were horrible to wear.
Historically, the wife of a King has often been Queen, or Queen consort. Because Queen is subservient to King.
No husband of a Queen has ever been King, nor King Consort. Phillip was styled Prince Consort, since he was a Prince by birth. The only two other male royal consorts in all of history were give Ducal titles.
It's just residual patriarchy.

I'm familiar. Remember that though I am an American, both sides of my family are pure Scottish (one highland clan and one lowland, so you can imagine the internal conflicts!), and I grew up in Europe, mostly in the UK.
Many people are thinking that Camilla will only be Queen Consort because of the divorces etc rather than the fact that whoever he married would be the Consort. I assume because they think "consort" is somehow a rude word. 😁

What surprised me on social media is the absolutely bonkers amount of Americans declaring Diana to be their queen and how they'll never accept Camilla and Charles. "Camilla will never be my Queen" many post, well no she won't. Diana had been raised to sainthood in the US and other countries, it's odd. They often assume that Charles runs the country now as in the past, he reigns but doesn't rule. 🙄
What surprised me on social media is the absolutely bonkers amount of Americans declaring Diana to be their queen and how they'll never accept Camilla and Charles. "Camilla will never be my Queen" many post, well no she won't. Diana had been raised to sainthood in the US and other countries, it's odd. They often assume that Charles runs the country now as in the past, he reigns but doesn't rule. 🙄
-I get the history between the UK and the US but never understood that weird obsession some here have with the British monarchy. They go absolutely bonkers over anything with the royal family. Part of that I suspect is from the news media's constant obsessing over them. The daily coverage here of the Queen Elizabeth's passing was excessive and then some. Sure mark the occasion, the historical perspective, report on the transition of roles/power, but then leave it alone, especially, as you pointed out, Charles reigns but doesn't rule.

-Another thing I think some here obsess over is the notion that European, at least in their mind, means fancy, or higher class. Pretty sure it's not some leftover loyalist mentality from the American Revolution, but they look around at their fellow countrymen here and think 'heathens!' lol Maybe it's just some sort of fantasy they have in their mind that takes over every now and then.
-I get the history between the UK and the US but never understood that weird obsession some here have with the British monarchy. They go absolutely bonkers over anything with the royal family. Part of that I suspect is from the news media's constant obsessing over them. The daily coverage here of the Queen Elizabeth's passing was excessive and then some. Sure mark the occasion, the historical perspective, report on the transition of roles/power, but then leave it alone, especially, as you pointed out, Charles reigns but doesn't rule.

-Another thing I think some here obsess over is the notion that European, at least in their mind, means fancy, or higher class. Pretty sure it's not some leftover loyalist mentality from the American Revolution, but they look around at their fellow countrymen here and think 'heathens!' lol Maybe it's just some sort of fantasy they have in their mind that takes over every now and then.
There’s a relevant passage from Sir Terry Pratchett:

Royalty was like dandelions. No matter how many heads you chopped off, the roots were still there underground, waiting to spring up again.

It seemed to be a chronic disease. It was as if even the most intelligent person had this little blank spot in their heads where someone had written: "Kings. What a good idea." Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees.
There’s a relevant passage from Sir Terry Pratchett:

Royalty was like dandelions. No matter how many heads you chopped off, the roots were still there underground, waiting to spring up again.

It seemed to be a chronic disease. It was as if even the most intelligent person had this little blank spot in their heads where someone had written: "Kings. What a good idea." Whoever had created humanity had left in a major design flaw. It was its tendency to bend at the knees.
I love Sir Terry's writing, being a knight of course meant he was an aristocrat 😁
Constitutional monarchies do serve a purpose, it means the head of state is above politics (or at least keeps quiet about it, though it was known by subtle means the Queen did not approve of Brexit nor our current government) the police, Armed Forces and Civil Service swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch not a politician, makes it much harder to stage a coup using the Armed Forces etc. The oath perhaps surprisingly in this day and age is taken seriously. The Royal Family is a recognisable part of UK life, I think it will last for a long time yet. I suppose it's nice to have one recognisable stable institution in this day and age, it's not like we'll run out of heirs lol, that makes Harry's claim he's the spare redundant by the way. Charles had siblings in line to the throne just after William before Harry was born, they came directly after Harry when he was born so there were plenty of spares. There's at least 30 now in direct line, thousands most likely in indirect line. If any poster here has any British ancestry you could look up to see if you're in line too.

People think the Royal Family cost a lot and are often surprised to know they all pay taxes just as we do. The Royal estates that are used by the family are administered by the government. 85% of the generated revenues goes directly to the government, while the remainder is used to help maintain the royal household. They cost us something like £2.75 each per year.

One thing many also don't understand is that The Crown is a fictional drama based on real people. It is not a true to life series, it is not a documentary. 😂
Many people are thinking that Camilla will only be Queen Consort because of the divorces etc rather than the fact that whoever he married would be the Consort. I assume because they think "consort" is somehow a rude word. 😁
"Consort" rhymes with "Escort", so...
What surprised me on social media is the absolutely bonkers amount of Americans declaring Diana to be their queen and how they'll never accept Camilla and Charles. "Camilla will never be my Queen" many post, well no she won't.
Well she certainly will never be MY Queen! Because I'm not English...
Diana had been raised to sainthood in the US and other countries, it's odd.
True enough. Charles always struck me as being more than a little deficient in the characteristics that make a good husband and father, but Diana was certainly no angel. She was pretty and charismatic, which leads people to overlook her hypocritical, narcissistic and manipulative behaviours. Charles is neither, which doesn't help his public image.
They often assume that Charles runs the country now as in the past, he reigns but doesn't rule. 🙄
I am not an anti-monarchist, but I do realize that the Royals, collectively, have just about enough authority to sneeze without asking permission. Influence, certainly, but no actual authority.
I love Sir Terry's writing, being a knight of course meant he was an aristocrat 😁
Knights are members of the Gentry, not the Nobility, so I don't think most would consider them aristocrats.
He was damned funny though.
Constitutional monarchies do serve a purpose, it means the head of state is above politics (or at least keeps quiet about it, though it was known by subtle means the Queen did not approve of Brexit nor our current government) the police, Armed Forces and Civil Service swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch not a politician, makes it much harder to stage a coup using the Armed Forces etc. The oath perhaps surprisingly in this day and age is taken seriously. The Royal Family is a recognisable part of UK life, I think it will last for a long time yet. I suppose it's nice to have one recognisable stable institution in this day and age, it's not like we'll run out of heirs lol, that makes Harry's claim he's the spare redundant by the way. Charles had siblings in line to the throne just after William before Harry was born, they came directly after Harry when he was born so there were plenty of spares. There's at least 30 now in direct line, thousands most likely in indirect line. If any poster here has any British ancestry you could look up to see if you're in line too.
As it happens, I am a direct descendant of the Chief of Clan Cochrane, the Honorable the Earl of Dondonald. I'm bound to be in the line somewhere.
People think the Royal Family cost a lot and are often surprised to know they all pay taxes just as we do. The Royal estates that are used by the family are administered by the government. 85% of the generated revenues goes directly to the government, while the remainder is used to help maintain the royal household. They cost us something like £2.75 each per year.
Americans in particular don't get this. As I recall the structure, the entirety of the income from the Crown Estate is given to the government. The government then gives back (currently, but always subject to change) 15% to help support the Royals. They have income from other holdings as well, of course, but on those holdings they pay a tax rate of 100%.
One thing many also don't understand is that The Crown is a fictional drama based on real people. It is not a true to life series, it is not a documentary. 😂
WHAT??????? What's next? Are you going to tell me that Weird isn't actually the real life history of Weird Al?
There were internal conflicts between ancestral high- and low landers in your family? Over things that happened hundreds of year ago? I was educated in Scotland and remember a banner slung over a balcony during ‘marching season, which admonished any English people reading it to ‘Remember Bannockburn - 1314’ and marvelled at the long memories of some people 😂
Memories? Dude, it's genetic. The high-low land conflicts occur within a single person! There are times when you have an almost irresistible compulsion to steal sheep from yourself.
I’m not sure the idea of ‘pure Scottish’ really has any meaning
It doesn't, really. The whole England/Scotland/Ireland/France/Germany area is quite homogenous. I did a DNA test, and according to it, I am 96.3% E/S/I/F/G. 2.8% Spanish/Portuguese (wonder who visited?). And 0.6% Sub-Saharan African, from about 3000 years ago. I may literally be the whitest white guy in the world.
(please watch the completely factually accurate ‘Braveheart’ documentary with Gel Mibson 😉).
WHAT????? Are you joining @Tez3 in claiming Hollywood entertainment cannot be trusted??????

I do maintain that the fanny pack is the rest of the world trying to steal our sporran. And I look great in a kilt.

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