Qualities Of A Black Belt 2


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Lifetime Supporting Member
I had originally posted this question in the Kenpo section. I wanted to post it here as well, for those members that do not post in the Kenpo area.

So, my question is: When someone sees a Black Belt, they are often looked at in a higher level. What are some positive qualities that you feel someone with a Black Belt should have?

Difficult to say, without knowing what style it is, but assuming that we're talking about someone who consistently trains in a legitimate style with decent instruction...

1) The yudansha has met a standard of proficiency for the basic techniques of the style. There should be no question as to whether or not he knows the techniques, else he should not have passed the exam. This is true for all aspects that the style encompasses, whether it's physical requirements, simple kihon waza, kata, or kumite.

2) The yudansha can, at the very least, assist the instructor of the class. Not all yudansha can teach; some people simply weren't meant to be instructors. However, any yudansha should be able to assist in the teaching.

3) The yudansha has been consistently training on a regular basis, and realizes the value of such consistent training.
I agree. But a black belt should also try to do their personal best. Not everyone can do what we can do (do to physical problems, injuries, ect). But they should try to do what they can do to the best of their ability. They also should be humble, helpful, ect.
They should strive to be moral, and honest. At the level of black belt not only do people look at you as someone who should be very well trained physically and capable of dealing with most situations, but they also look at you with respect for being able to accomplish something that few can when done through a proper school. You should hold your self accountable for your actions and always lead by example. I view the Black Belt as the first to step forward to assit with class, I look for them to volunteer to take new students under their wing to see that they dont get left behind in the larger classes. They should be constantly thursting for knowledge.
A BB must have humility and respect as well as be able to a great role model for there community.
terryl965 said:
A BB must have humility and respect as well as be able to a great role model for there community.

Very good point - black-belt level practitioners don't operate independently of their communities - they're a part of it -and a potentially major part at that- and I think the perception of BBs being at a higher level as MJS states and the respect that most conscientious BBs have, can be leveraged to great effect in local communities.

I've seen a number of threads here where guys are working their invaluable and hard-earned martial expertise back towards those who need it most - I'm not just talking pure MA fighting demonstrations, I'm talking getting into schools and showing kids there are alternatives to being bullied, working with LEO's, women's groups and more.

Any valid black-belt level award announces that the holder has technical proficiency - that's understood but being a BB for me is about branching out. I think many BBs overlook the myriad other attributes they have, focussing only on their fighting skillset. What about courage, loyalty, integrity, fitness, stamina, determination, street-sense, discipline and a wealth of others that genuine BBs undoubtedly possess? To save these skills or hide them away in the dojo would be a tragedy for our communities when so many people could benefit from them. Get out there!

And let's not be naive - a lot of these situations will get your name and your club's name into circulation. You'll be reknowned for the very best reasons within the community and further afield and everyone benefits!
Generally, and in order, Honesty, Morality, Loyalty, Patience, Humility, Compassion, Calmness, Diligence, Perseverance, Adaptability, Proficiency, in short, good character.
Category A: What he/she is: Integrity-honesty, humility, trustworthiness, moral character

Category B: How he/she deals with others: Leadership, patience, mentor, self-controlled, courteous, respectful of others, impartiality

Category C: How he/she manages his classes or school Not a procrastinator, organized, disciplined

Category D: His/her base and how it grows: Proficiency+, always a student, innovating teaching, open-minded, grows black belt foundation

In order of importance to me with Category A being an absolute requirement, the B,C, & D should be striven for. TW
ya know, anytime i see a thread like this it makes me want to vomit.

i get real damn tired of people expecting all these "things" out of a person just because they wear a black belt. ????

the black belt does not and should not stand for anything except a proficiency or curriculum learned in any given art. just because they learn it doesn't necessarily mean they understand it, or could use it on the street when required.

honor, integrity, being a role model, humbleness, helping out, morality, honesty, humility, respect, and all that other stuff should NOT be limited to just the black belt. all of the responses i've read in this thread are great, except for the title of thread. perhaps, it needs to read "Qualities of a martial artist".

all of those ingredients are great, but should also exist in any student, regardless of the color of their belt.

be all those things as a white belt, yellow belt, or whatever belt!
Sapper6 said:
ya know, anytime i see a thread like this it makes me want to vomit.

i get real damn tired of people expecting all these "things" out of a person just because they wear a black belt. ????

the black belt does not and should not stand for anything except a proficiency or curriculum learned in any given art. just because they learn it doesn't necessarily mean they understand it, or could use it on the street when required.

honor, integrity, being a role model, humbleness, helping out, morality, honesty, humility, respect, and all that other stuff should NOT be limited to just the black belt. all of the responses i've read in this thread are great, except for the title of thread. perhaps, it needs to read "Qualities of a martial artist".

all of those ingredients are great, but should also exist in any student, regardless of the color of their belt.

be all those things as a white belt, yellow belt, or whatever belt!

Sure, except for the fact *some* students do not have some of these attributes. Perhaps along the way, they will learn these attributes and by the time of reaching black belt (if not earlier), should hopefully have developed these attributes.

If *everyone* entering martial arts already possess these attributes, then the tenets, creeds, etc., wouldn't be necessary. Reaching black belt level also should be more than just simply knowing how to move, IMHO.

- Ceicei

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
Sure, except for the fact *some* students do not have some of these attributes. Perhaps along the way, they will learn these attributes and by the time of reaching black belt (if not earlier), should hopefully have developed these attributes.

If *everyone* entering martial arts already possess these attributes, then the tenets, creeds, etc., wouldn't be necessary. Reaching black belt level also should be more than just simply knowing how to move, IMHO.

- Ceicei

- Ceicei

not quite. sure not everyone will possess ALL these traits upon beginning but they certainly should possess some of them. and if not, what kind of people are teaching?

all of the attributes listed in this thread should not be limited to the black belt. these are things that should exist in everyone regardless of your belt color. why? because these things will make you a better human being.

are you a life coach or a martial arts instructor?

the black belt, in today's time, represents any one of the following:

- time training in a specific system of fighting
- skill level attained
- amount of money you've spent in the studio

if you disagree, oh well, but that's the fact. if you expect every person in the martial arts industry that wears a black belt to act and behave like Mr. Miyagi, then you are in for a real disappointment.
He should be passionate about their teaching..I'm sure you 've met these kind Instructors, I know I have... If the conversation is about teaching you can feel his/her commitment and passion..
I would hope a good martial art would not be strictly limited to physical skills only. However, if that is the primary goal of the student, then yes, it can be done, regardless of the style. If we can get more people who possess good attributes, then the world would be better. Obviously, not every person will, even when reaching black belt physical skill proficiency level.

- Ceicei
Sapper6 said:
ya know, anytime i see a thread like this it makes me want to vomit.

i get real damn tired of people expecting all these "things" out of a person just because they wear a black belt. ????

the black belt does not and should not stand for anything except a proficiency or curriculum learned in any given art. just because they learn it doesn't necessarily mean they understand it, or could use it on the street when required.

honor, integrity, being a role model, humbleness, helping out, morality, honesty, humility, respect, and all that other stuff should NOT be limited to just the black belt. all of the responses i've read in this thread are great, except for the title of thread. perhaps, it needs to read "Qualities of a martial artist".

all of those ingredients are great, but should also exist in any student, regardless of the color of their belt.

be all those things as a white belt, yellow belt, or whatever belt!

Sorry, disagree. Yes, we should all strive towards those attributes. However, if the school producing the BB teaches all aspects of martial arts, not just how to beat somebody up, then these qualities should be ingrained at this point and are as important, if not more so, than the physical movement.
Careful, you got some on your shirt. :barf:
MJS said:
I had originally posted this question in the Kenpo section. I wanted to post it here as well, for those members that do not post in the Kenpo area.

So, my question is: When someone sees a Black Belt, they are often looked at in a higher level. What are some positive qualities that you feel someone with a Black Belt should have?

They should know all of the basics, katas, and any drills by heart up to there rank. And MOST IMPORTANT, be able to communicate all of that to the lower ranks. I also think that a person who wears a black belt should be personable. If you come off having a ego tripp, it can cause people to judge your whole school.
if its a system then the BB should know all that applies, but if its someone who has good perception, and abilities and can demonstrate as such then he too has qualiities of a BB that is what i ment about passing the test, which is a quote from the book of ZEN LESSONS
check quote in kenpo thoughts

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