Q an A

Originally posted by brianhunter

Can anyone answer my question???? I would appreciate it.


Many people train under Larry Tatum through his school nd video program. He is often at many of the major events.
Originally posted by brianhunter

Here is my question, howcome you never hear anyone speak of Larry Tatum when people mention Kenpo seniors or prominent instructors? I have some old black belt magazine articles and it seemed like Mr. Parker thought highly of him, high enough to even say "he moves like me".......he even called him his "key protege' " in this article. Why is he never mentioned or considered??

Your in Wichita, if your one of Mr. Kelly's students ask him or another Senior Kenpo instructor via personal e-mail.

Originally posted by brianhunter

Here is my question, howcome you never hear anyone speak of Larry Tatum when people mention Kenpo seniors or prominent instructors? I have some old black belt magazine articles and it seemed like Mr. Parker thought highly of him, high enough to even say "he moves like me".......he even called him his "key protege' " in this article. Why is he never mentioned or considered??

I think it's because there's just not a lot of his students here ...
yet. By NOT mentioning him, it doesn't mean anyone doesn't
think highly of him. Also, check older threads, his name has come
up on occasion.
Originally posted by brianhunter

Why is he never mentioned or considered??

I think the big deal is that he parted with Mr. Parker in the 80's on bad terms and also that his Panther videos promoted him as a/the Kenpo Master when Mr. Parker was alive (I think) and that didn't seem right.
...people may talk sh*t about him but no one ever talks sh*t about his Kenpo.

American Kenpo is so specific when it comes to definitions and terminology. How come it is not specific when it comes to targeting, i.e. pressure points? It would seem that this would be its logical conclusion. I don't want this to get into a discussion about SL4 because most people in Kenpo are not privy to it, and frankly I don't want to hear another thread about what is lacking in "Motion Kenpo." What is you experience with this and what are your opinions concerning pressure points and fajing and the more mysterious/phony/esoteric parts of the arts? Did you have any discussions with Parker on this subject?
quote: Originally posted by brianhunter

Here is my question, howcome you never hear anyone speak of Larry Tatum when people mention Kenpo seniors or prominent instructors? I have some old black belt magazine articles and it seemed like Mr. Parker thought highly of him, high enough to even say "he moves like me".......he even called him his "key protege' " in this article. Why is he never mentioned or considered??

Hey Brian, how ya' doin?
Damn surprised to find you on the forum, when I read your post the other day I knew it was you. I hope you enjoyed some of the info we threw at you a couple of weeks ago and didn't get overwhelmed, I have a tendency of doing that to people.

I think alot of the reason for Larry not being mentioned much here is because most here haven't seen him in the same light as yourself, or at all. With that said, maybe they should. I have found him to be the most knowledgeable, and nicest person I have ever trained with. And he's alot of fun on the airplane, we had a ton of laughs on the way there and back. I've been with the man and loyal to him for 12 years now, and have never regretted my decision to go with him. I've let him know up front that if he should do me wrong (don't think he ever will) that I'm outta there, and he's good with that. I don't think you need to get stupid or even cultish when you're dedicated to someone like him, or get fanatical about your appreciation for your instructor. Oh well, enough ranting.

Hope you're still kicking and having a good time in the art.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo
I don't think you need to get stupid or even cultish when you're dedicated to someone like him, or get fanatical about your appreciation for your instructor[/B]

I agree ... but there's also nothing wrong in saying "I think my
instructor is the best out there". Or one of the best. My
instructor isn't near the rank of you Clyde, let alone Mr Tatum.
But he's damned knowledgeable, and a GREAT instructor. In all
my m.a. classes prior to taking kenpo ... k, I was gonna go on
a rant, but *whew*, I caught myself. Idol worship? HELL NO,
Admiration and huge amounts of respect? Definitely .. and there's
nothing wrong with saying so.
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

quote: Originally posted by brianhunter

Here is my question, howcome you never hear anyone speak of Larry Tatum when people mention Kenpo seniors or prominent instructors? I have some old black belt magazine articles and it seemed like Mr. Parker thought highly of him, high enough to even say "he moves like me".......he even called him his "key protege' " in this article. Why is he never mentioned or considered??

Hey Brian, how ya' doin?
Damn surprised to find you on the forum, when I read your post the other day I knew it was you. I hope you enjoyed some of the info we threw at you a couple of weeks ago and didn't get overwhelmed, I have a tendency of doing that to people.

I think alot of the reason for Larry not being mentioned much here is because most here haven't seen him in the same light as yourself, or at all. With that said, maybe they should. I have found him to be the most knowledgeable, and nicest person I have ever trained with. And he's alot of fun on the airplane, we had a ton of laughs on the way there and back. I've been with the man and loyal to him for 12 years now, and have never regretted my decision to go with him. I've let him know up front that if he should do me wrong (don't think he ever will) that I'm outta there, and he's good with that. I don't think you need to get stupid or even cultish when you're dedicated to someone like him, or get fanatical about your appreciation for your instructor. Oh well, enough ranting.

Hope you're still kicking and having a good time in the art.

Have a great Kenpo day


Yikes, Clyde is in da house!:eek:
Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

quote: Originally posted by brianhunter

Hey Brian, how ya' doin?
Damn surprised to find you on the forum, when I read your post the other day I knew it was you. I hope you enjoyed some of the info we threw at you a couple of weeks ago and didn't get overwhelmed, I have a tendency of doing that to people.

Good to see you also, To be honest with you I was about to give up Kenpo untill I met you guys. I have had a pretty rough experience with Kenpo and I had about had enough. I will not go into all the specifics because those are really for me to deal with. It did my heart good though, I FELT it for kenpo for the first time in a long time and Clyde you where a big part of that, your passionate about American Kenpo its something to strive for!! keep "professing" man and hope we cross paths again soon!!

Brian Hunter
Hey Brian, once bitten by the Kenpo bug, you 'll never loose the flame although it may not burn as brightly as it had. I have an ability to get most people as excited as I am about the art again and revive that flame to a bonfire (at least that's what it is in me), something Larry taught me how to do years ago with his passion for the art. I hope it doesn't go back to the flicker, and if it should start, I'll give you my phone # to contact me for questions if you have them or just chat (by the way, if you have a webcam you can get me on Netmeeting and have a cyber seminar). I'm glad you're doing well and reinvesting in yourself in the art, and yes, I will keep "professing" for people such as yourself in my endeavors to promulgate EPAK.

Have a great Kenpo day

I am quite impressed with Mr. Tatum. I have seen him move and have even felt it. He has an explosive power that is very impressive. He is a quite a nice guy and what i consider a good martial artist. I am glad to have met him, and i hope to see him more and more.


Hey man,

How is it going, Brian told me you were on here. It is good to see you are here. It was great meeting you, and i can't wait to see you and Mr. Tatum again. :)
Hey Jeff, good to see you guys posting and to hear about the renewed interest in Kenpo (wink, wink, nudge, know what I mean. Gotta love Monty Python for that). If you guys ever have a question, feel free to email me your phone # and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me rant though.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by eternalwhitebelt

American Kenpo is so specific when it comes to definitions and terminology. How come it is not specific when it comes to targeting, i.e. pressure points?

It would seem that this would be its logical conclusion. I don't want this to get into a discussion about SL4 because most people in Kenpo are not privy to it, and frankly I don't want to hear another thread about what is lacking in "Motion Kenpo." What is you experience with this and what are your opinions concerning pressure points and faking and the more mysterious/phony/esoteric parts of the arts? Did you have any discussions with Parker on this subject?

Good Question.......

Well, you won't hear from me that anything is lacking in Kenpo (I don't use the word "Motion" that is someone else's) I don't feel there is, only things that have not been fully focused on and explained in great detail yet...... there are several areas actually that are not "specifically" detailed out.

Here are a few...

Specific Targeting
The Universal Pattern
"Methods" of teaching the material
Master Key Ideas
Weapons usage
Basic's expanded usage
Training drills
Forms Definitions
Healing Arts

Mr. Parker was in process of little by little going over many of these areas and expanding upon them but unfortunately ran out of time.

If they are to be explored then we must do it ourselves.

Originally posted by brianhunter

Here is my question, how come you never hear anyone speak of Larry Tatum when people mention Kenpo seniors or prominent instructors? I have some old black belt magazine articles and it seemed like Mr. Parker thought highly of him, high enough to even say "he moves like me".......he even called him his "key protege' " in this article. Why is he never mentioned or considered??

I don't quite know what you are talking about when you say you "never" hear anyone mention him. He is talked about in many areas and on many forums. Is he a favorite or commonly talked about on this forum .......... no but so what? There are many that fill that bill.

Did it ever occur to you that the topic of LT is not for front on everyone's mind except his own students........ People talk about "their" favorite instructors...... not ALL the Kenpo seniors out there.... I might say the same about Dave Hebler..... he is not mentioned as you speak very often but is still out there....

As for magazine articles...... well don't believe everything you read!

Are you saying the magazine article was wrong Dennis? If so, fill me in.

Have a great Kenpo day


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