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On the "most fights end up on the ground claim"

The claim, as I understand it, is that most fights, at some point someone ends up on the ground (ie you or your oponent fell, was knocked out, etc.). Not that most fights end up in BBJ like grapling sessions.
Originally posted by Elfan
On the "most fights end up on the ground claim"

The claim, as I understand it, is that most fights, at some point someone ends up on the ground (ie you or your oponent fell, was knocked out, etc.). Not that most fights end up in BBJ like grapling sessions.

Interesting take, but if most fights end up on the ground as you understand it, that would not promote the Gracie method which insists the ground is where the fight really is. They do not promote punching, kicking, or even throwing over takedowns and submissions - so the statement would be without meaning coming from the ones who promoted it. Of course your understanding is actually a more realistic probability than the Gracie's spin.
Mr. C,

I'm sorry to ask such a mundane question, but what was the year that Mr. Parker started the Long Beach internationals?


Originally posted by Doc
I have rarely seen two adult men wrestling around on the ground who were not both drunk. The Gracies did one hell of a sales job. I hear that all the time, until I ask the question, "When is the last time you saw two men not drunk wrestling on the ground?"

which is also where the statistics come from-- police pull up arrest folks who are too darn plastered to run off from their fight.
which led to another statistic that the gracie's forgot to mention- that 90 per cent of these fights are alcohol or drug induced.

every night at the more rowdy clubs and bars where the security is beefed up-- you can see all this played out. a fight starts between two liquored up macho morons, who begin to tussle and throw sloppy punches at each other as they stumble and fall from their lack of ability to remain on their feet due to their equilibrium being greatly hampered by the effects of the booze/drugs. when they hit the ground they thrash about wildly (no fancy arm bars or ankle locks).

but then watch the security finish it-- these guys sweep in and remove the rubbish in rabid fashion and they do it standing on their feet.

good posts from Doc and Goldendragon (as usual) :D
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
If you have an opponent that knows how to shoot takedowns your not going to get off that knee strike!! Sorry but I do like the ram techniques but I really don't feel they will work a talented shooter. If you want to talk about the everyday joe then they will work well. :asian:

Once again this is just my view point.
Sorry Jas,
You are going to have to prove that to me. I have proven time and again that if you try and shoot my legs, you are going to get hurt, badly. I have guys that come into the school that figure if they can't beat me standing, they'll take me to the ground because their instrcutor taught them some grappling. Like Mr. C^2 said, I do not go to the ground unless I want to.
Originally posted by nightingale8472
Clutching feathers may work... it may not... I have no idea. I've never tried it. that's my point.
That is exactly the point. People who say that the stuff does not work on the ground, have not really tried it on the ground. Get someone you feel rolling on the ground with and try working your techniques, they will surprise you. Here's an easy one for you to try, get a friend into the mount position, with you on bottom, have them grab your lapels and try something like Alternating Maces.....The principles are the same, the execution slightly different. Do not be afraid to try and to explore.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'm only going by my experiences on the mat by doing and by watching. I wrestled a few state champs in high school. I'll say you won't necessarily run into one on the street much less pick a fight with one of these guys but you won't have much reaction time to a takedown by someone with this kind of experience. :asian:
You and I really need to talk......;)
Originally posted by Seig
You and I really need to talk......;)

I'm not sure who is trying to shoot takedowns on you. I personally wouldn't shoot singles and doubles on you. Seig you outweigh me by a good margin therefore it wouldn't be feasable for me to do so. However if I did I would shoot some outside singles on a larger opponent this way I wouldn't get caught in the middle. I've wrestled and beat some of the best wrestlers in the state of ohio (at that time). :asian: Again, I'm only stating personal experience.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
I'm not sure who is trying to shoot takedowns on you. I personally wouldn't shoot singles and doubles on you. Seig you outweigh me by a good margin therefore it wouldn't be feasable for me to do so. However if I did I would shoot some outside singles on a larger opponent this way I wouldn't get caught in the middle. I've wrestled and beat some of the best wrestlers in the state of ohio (at that time). :asian: Again, I'm only stating personal experience.
I didn't mean it as a cut. I too wrestled and grappled, when I was much smaller. I'll explain my position when you get here.;)
Originally posted by Seig
Check the brown belt curriculuum.....

I've only learned through green so far. My old school didn't teach the brown belt stuff...

I thought third brown was mostly gun techniques, and then second and first brown were extensions, though... I'm probably wrong. someone at my school borrowed my notebook two months ago for a school project and hasn't given it back yet, so I don't have a way to look it up right now.
Originally posted by nightingale8472
I've only learned through green so far. My old school didn't teach the brown belt stuff...

Here's your hint: Encounter with Danger
Play with this one for a while. :)
that was the only one I could think of (was a green belt tech at my old school) but was hoping for a few more.
I do when I'm at the studio and at the gym. at home, more difficult, but I will drag out my full length mirror if I'm having trouble getting something to "feel" right... usually I can see in the mirror what I'm doing wrong.

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