Protective gear

I guess I would wear the cup & mouthpiece. Headgear & shinguards, maybe - body armour NO.
Welp, I for One see nothing wrong then. If it bothered the Partner, theyd insist you Wear Gear, and Youd in turn Agree to Wear Everything but the Body Armor. Which I can certainly relate to. On what Rare Occassions We Wear Vests, I find that they just feel Stocky, and Restrictive.
I feel I'm more likely to get hit if I'm having trouble breathing, due to wearing a mouthpiece, or feeling discomfort, due to wearing a cup. I know I'm taking a risk - but for me, it's a risk I can live with - and have done so for over 40 years of competitive M/A training.

Champ, if you've been in MA for more than 40 years you have much more time there than me but did you not ever compete, if you didn't, no problem there, but surely in tournaments you had to wear mouth guards as a minimum?

I train with a guard in a lot of the time. When I was competing regularly I would even wear it when doing non-sparing training, ie push-ups, running, so when I fought it was the norm, like not even there or an issue with breathing. That's what I would recommend to any person. Obviously you don't need this advice but anyone with issues with a guard or cup should try to just wear it always in the club or whenever (maybe not the mouth guard just walking to the shops though...) for familiarity.
Champ, if you've been in MA for more than 40 years you have much more time there than me but did you not ever compete, if you didn't, no problem there, but surely in tournaments you had to wear mouth guards as a minimum?

I train with a guard in a lot of the time. When I was competing regularly I would even wear it when doing non-sparing training, ie push-ups, running, so when I fought it was the norm, like not even there or an issue with breathing. That's what I would recommend to any person. Obviously you don't need this advice but anyone with issues with a guard or cup should try to just wear it always in the club or whenever (maybe not the mouth guard just walking to the shops though...) for familiarity.
I'm not trying to play tough-guy - but I've never worn any kind of protective gear for competition, at all. Not in Judo comps, not in Wrestling, not in Grappling - not even in the 12 toughman bouts I had in my late teens and early 20's. I also played lots of street football (tackle) without helmet or pads of any kind... but so did everyone else I knew, back then. I suppose some will consider this to be foolish - and I certainly know where they're coming from... but I'm crazy like that.
I'm not trying to play tough-guy - but I've never worn any kind of protective gear for competition, at all. Not in Judo comps, not in Wrestling, not in Grappling - not even in the 12 toughman bouts I had in my late teens and early 20's. I also played lots of street football (tackle) without helmet or pads of any kind... but so did everyone else I knew, back then. I suppose some will consider this to be foolish - and I certainly know where they're coming from... but I'm crazy like that.

In Judo, grappling and wrestling have you been partnered with a woman? if so you really should wear a groin, not because we are likely to catch you there but when in things like half guard etc it really, really is polite to wear a cup. To be honest I think that the men you do ground work with prefer it so, they really don't like feeling soft and squishy things when doing techniques. :)
1) In Judo, grappling and wrestling have you been partnered with a woman?

2) To be honest I think that the men you do ground work with prefer it so, they really don't like feeling soft and squishy things when doing techniques. :)

1) The only time I've partnered up with a woman - is during privates. They all got what they paid for, and they all left my mat with BIG smiles on their faces. :)

2) To be honest - you don't know any of the men I do groundwork with, or what they prefer... Come to think of it, neither do I. :confused:
There is one piece of marital arts headgear that has a face plate that is shaped like a dome that covers the entire face. Does anyone know what that is called?