Back when I taught L.E. and Corrections academies I was known as the 'Reality Check' instructor. One of my specialty topics was having a proper mind set. I thought that it would make a good topic for a thread, so here goes...
I study and teach Mu Shin Kwan Kong Soo Do which is basically just a label I've given to the totality of training I've received over the last 36 years which includes Chinese, Okinawan, Korean, Canadian, Israeli and American fighting arts. I've received this training as a method of self-defense rather than any connection to sport, hobby, personal enlightenment etc. I have a half-dozen professional combative instructor certifications and over 200 on-duty successful uses-of-force.
With this said...MSK Kong Soo Do is the ultimate martial art, period and end of story. Nothing else even comes close. There is no one on this board of any level that can defeat me in a hand-to-hand altercation or with weapons. I am the best, none of you are even close. I will prevail in any altercation, no matter the odds or how many attackers there may be. It is what it is.
Now...either I'm really, really arrogant and opening up the thread to a 'my art is better than your art' flame war, or I have a serious point to make. When I taught the academies I would get everyone on the mats, usually between 25-35 in a recruit class. I would point to the exit and tell them that there was no way in the world that any or all of them could stop me from getting to and through the exit. That none of them could defeat me in hand-to-hand combat. I would pause to let that sink in and then explain that it wasn't arrogance speaking. I don't have a big red 'S' tattoed on my chest and I'm not bullet-proof. I was speaking from a positive mind-set. If I get knocked down...I'm getting back up. If I get shot or stabbed...I'm going to fight on. If I need to get to the one on this planet will be able to stop me.
Because in my mind, on the other side of that exit is my wife (disabled) and my son. They both need me. I'm going home to them no matter what, period, end of story. That is the mind-set that I'm talking about. One that will keep you fighting for survival no matter what is thrown at you. That will keep you from curling up in a fetal position and quitting. We had a saying that I engrained into my recruits;
We never quit and we always win.
What will keep you fighting no matter what?
I study and teach Mu Shin Kwan Kong Soo Do which is basically just a label I've given to the totality of training I've received over the last 36 years which includes Chinese, Okinawan, Korean, Canadian, Israeli and American fighting arts. I've received this training as a method of self-defense rather than any connection to sport, hobby, personal enlightenment etc. I have a half-dozen professional combative instructor certifications and over 200 on-duty successful uses-of-force.
With this said...MSK Kong Soo Do is the ultimate martial art, period and end of story. Nothing else even comes close. There is no one on this board of any level that can defeat me in a hand-to-hand altercation or with weapons. I am the best, none of you are even close. I will prevail in any altercation, no matter the odds or how many attackers there may be. It is what it is.
Now...either I'm really, really arrogant and opening up the thread to a 'my art is better than your art' flame war, or I have a serious point to make. When I taught the academies I would get everyone on the mats, usually between 25-35 in a recruit class. I would point to the exit and tell them that there was no way in the world that any or all of them could stop me from getting to and through the exit. That none of them could defeat me in hand-to-hand combat. I would pause to let that sink in and then explain that it wasn't arrogance speaking. I don't have a big red 'S' tattoed on my chest and I'm not bullet-proof. I was speaking from a positive mind-set. If I get knocked down...I'm getting back up. If I get shot or stabbed...I'm going to fight on. If I need to get to the one on this planet will be able to stop me.
Because in my mind, on the other side of that exit is my wife (disabled) and my son. They both need me. I'm going home to them no matter what, period, end of story. That is the mind-set that I'm talking about. One that will keep you fighting for survival no matter what is thrown at you. That will keep you from curling up in a fetal position and quitting. We had a saying that I engrained into my recruits;
We never quit and we always win.
What will keep you fighting no matter what?