Problems with "Bloodsport"



Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone but me found WAY too many similarities between Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport? I mean, Bruce Lee himself made up that trick where he would take the coin out of someone else's hand and replace it with a new one before the other guy can close his fist. Although that wasn't in Enter the Dragon, he's still noted for it. Also, the whole tournament thing, where they fight till the other person gives up. I dunno, maybe i'm looking too far into or whatnot, and maybe it was brought up before, but Bloodsport imo is a rip off of Enter the Dragon. And no offense to Jean Claude, but honestly quit trying to be Bruce, it'll never happen...
shaolinchi said:
Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone but me found WAY too many similarities between Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport? I mean, Bruce Lee himself made up that trick where he would take the coin out of someone else's hand and replace it with a new one before the other guy can close his fist. Although that wasn't in Enter the Dragon, he's still noted for it. Also, the whole tournament thing, where they fight till the other person gives up. I dunno, maybe i'm looking too far into or whatnot, and maybe it was brought up before, but Bloodsport imo is a rip off of Enter the Dragon. And no offense to Jean Claude, but honestly quit trying to be Bruce, it'll never happen...

The 80's ended along time ago and I think that is when the debate about the similarities happened.
From my understanding BLOODSPORT was based on the real encounters of the character Van Damn played in the Kumite. While ENTER THE DRAGON was fictional.
Besides, nothing an actor does in a martial arts movie is original. It has been thought up by someone else and is probably credited to someone else, otherwise, it wou;dn't be in the movie. The actors don't write the scripts, they just act them out. Jean claude was just doin his job.
shaolinchi said:
Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone but me found WAY too many similarities between Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport?

Not really. Both feature fighting in a tournament, but that's about where the comparisons end. If you want to watch Enter the Dragon: Plagarized Edition sometime though, just go rent Mortal Kombat. Compare the lines each character speaks right up to the point the tournament begins etc.
Mark Weiser said:
From my understanding BLOODSPORT was based on the real encounters of the character Van Damn played in the Kumite. While ENTER THE DRAGON was fictional.
You mean the real FICTIONAL accounts of the character ;)
thank you Andrew Green! thats what i am talking about. nothing is proven about this guy. so how do we know that they didn't copy it from Enter The Dragon?!
if you want a rip-off of a bruce lee movie...

play the nes game Kung 's almost exact copy of the movie Game of Death...

features 5 different levels each guarded by a martial artist from a specific art...

some of them are:

stick fighter(the escrima/kali guy)
giant(a huge black guy-- Kareem Abdul-Jabar?)
and the final boss is the master of the formless form (i.e. can do everything your character does...)

still a good it to this day
yeah just do a search for dux and you will find more info than you can read.

shaolinchi said:
Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone but me found WAY too many similarities between Enter the Dragon and Bloodsport? I mean, Bruce Lee himself made up that trick where he would take the coin out of someone else's hand and replace it with a new one before the other guy can close his fist. Although that wasn't in Enter the Dragon, he's still noted for it. Also, the whole tournament thing, where they fight till the other person gives up. I dunno, maybe i'm looking too far into or whatnot, and maybe it was brought up before, but Bloodsport imo is a rip off of Enter the Dragon. And no offense to Jean Claude, but honestly quit trying to be Bruce, it'll never happen...
Bruce Lee did not invent this type of story. Why aren't you harping on his borrowings?
Here is something interesting you guys might like to read about the real frank dux

Meet Frank Dux

Part 1: The Legendary Kumite Champion of Bloodsport

"Frank Dux strides through the group of students, correcting their pivots and sidesteps in the movement drill he's teaching. Most know of Dux (pronounced "dukes") through the film Bloodsport, which gave action star Jean Claude Van Damme his first big break. Few know of the controversy surrounding Dux and his history--or lack of one, as his critics claim.

Bloodsport follows a young Frank Dux, a soldier on leave from the US military to fight in the Kumite-- a secret, underground tournament of the best fighters in the world. Through skill, perseverance, and sheer luck, Dux is triumphant at the end. Although tainted by the usual martial arts movie formula--hero trains hard, meets buddy, buddy gets beat up by villain, hero defeats villain and gets the girl--the byline of the movie catches your attention: "Based on a true story." Could something like the Kumite really take place?

Dux described the Kumite to me as a big "house party." Basically, said Dux, the tournament was held on a private island in the Bahamas to avoid any legal repercussions. As this was 1975, when the martial arts were still new to most folks and therefore mysterious and potentially "evil," this seems like a wise move. Fighters would take each other on at a wealthy promoter's estate. Dux explained how he became champion only after defeating the chosen fighter of ten different promoters, including having to travel to Asia for underground fights.

The controversy surrounding Dux begins with the tale of the Kumite itself. In May 1988, shortly after the release of Bloodsport, Los Angeles Times writer John Johnson blasted Dux and his story, claiming that Dux made it all up."

What do you guys think ?

Chicago Green Dragon

Touch o' death, don't get snappy...I haven't really seen any movies that are similar to Enter the Dragon, if you would like you can name a few, maybe I can check them out. Then i'll get back to you and harp about his borrowings...Thanks
oh and bignick, I agree, the Kung Fu game is still definitely a cool game!
Ah ha, Another person believing somebody is copying Bruce Lee.......I'll shut up now! Just dont be like the Killbill thread lol!
lol, nope i haven't even seen kill bill yet. don't really know if i should, heard mixed it worth seeing?
The first one was OK if you like no plot and unrealistic fight scenes. The second one sucked big time. 2 fights, total time of maybe 5 minutes.
haha, never seen any of the others...don't get me wrong, i'm not taking anything away from Jean Claude, he is in phenomenal shape and can throw his kicks out pretty darn well. but i'm just not feeling it...
The tooth fairy story is more believable than "bloodsport".
you can actually hear a frank dux interview under . just look under past shows and you will find it. he makes mention to bloodsport and other issues about him. judge for yourself.

kill bill 1 was eehhh okay if you like action but i enjoyed part 2 better. had actually a story behind it. most people like to watch movies to learn martial arts. i enjoy movies for what they are. movies! a story telling with picture. i guess those that didn't like bedtime stories can't relate. for me i loved them. no matter how fake "the 3 bears" were.