Remake of Enter The Dragon

Some remakes are good, some should never have gotten out of the production stage...

A lot is going to depend on who is being cast in the role. God forbid, they try to bring back Ho Chung Tao...

I'd really like to see Donnie Yen play the role of Lee.

On another note:

Good remakes:

Fist of Legend
Night of the Living Dead (1990)
Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Rotten remakes:

Planet of the Apes (Mark Wahlberg stinks, and will never be anywhere nearly as good as the great Charlton Heston!)
Good remake - The Departed.
Bad remake - The Grudge.

The plot of "Awaken the Dragon" sounds different from "Enter the Dragon" I think it'd be okay, and seriously I don't think anyone can say if it's going to be good or bad. I understand the whole "It's disrespectful to the memory of Bruce Lee" but the film maker might see it as a tribute to Li Xiao Long.

As for the casting, Tony Jaa doesn't speak much English. I also can't see him playing a cop or to be technical an FBI agent. I think they're gonna go with an American actor for the main character. For the main bad guy I wouldn't mind seeing Gordon Liu in there. Jackie Chan might be too old for the lead role. I'm not saying he's too old to handle it, but based on the plot I'm expecting a younger actor, not young young, but younger than Jackie Chan young.
Good remake: Ocean's 11 (g'wan see the original if you can)
Bad remake: King Kong (by Peter Jackson... again see the original)
Well, if they're going to go ahead and do this, they may as well work in a spot for Wesley Snipes so he pay his taxes.:sadsong:
FRists Of Legend didnt go good in HK. Chinese people from what I read didn't like it.

I doubt jet Li wants another shot of another Bruce Lee film.

Donnie Yen would be nice due to his bkgrd in WC but I wouldn't mind seeing Collin Chou.

Whoever takes the role I think will be committing career suicide.
Oh for the love of God!!!!! Please, not a remake of this! Nobody can replace Bruce Lee! Come up with new ideas. Leave what was done already alone. Especially the classics.

Agree completely, especially with section I bolded for emphasis.

But I recognize that asking for originality from Hollyweird may be asking the impossible.
Hollywood has not been doing much of anything that isn't a sequel or a remake. Although sometimes they go way out on a limb and make a movie based on a popular book...

This is because they have no writers that can make a script from the beginning and really on remakes for the bucks. People will flock to see this movie redone and will be amoney machine after theratres.

PS If they do it right and not turn it into a B rated movie.
Lee - Tough choice, maybe Marc Dacascos
Roper - Jason Statham
Williams - Hm, Wesley Snipes? Or someone smoother, Williams WAS Blaxploitation and the essence of hip.
Oharra... No clue.
Tanya - Kim Cattrall
Su Lin - Maybe Michelle Yeo, if they expanded the role to a mature adult heh.

I don't think they'd have to keep the exact same archtypes or stereotypes with each character either, as long as there is the interaction and those types present. Aka, let Roper die and keep Williams :) Still though, kick the Dutch guy off the boat ;p.

It'd definitely be interesting to see though, but yeah, no B-movie here.