What'll make that punch harder isn't nearly the speed as it is effective mass being thrown around. I can make a slower punch just as hard as a faster punch if I put more of my weight behind it.
There's definitely a place for punching slowER (emphasis on the ER in slower). It'll disrupt my opponent's timing. Same way and reason as a baseball pitcher (and probably a cricket pitcher (?)) will vary the speed of their pitches - so the batter doesn't get used to a specific speed and easily time it. That doesn't mean I'll punch in slow motion for that, it just means I'll slow it down just enough to cause my opponent to block too early. If my opponent gets used to seeing every punch at 100 mph, a 90 mph punch will land after he's fully committed to his block/parry/slip. Bruce Lee was the first one I saw call it broken rythym, but I'm sure others probably called it that before him.
If you throw everything you can as fast as you can, your opponent will get their timing down eventually. Hopefully you've ended the fight beforehand.
There's reasons to slow down a bit, even in a genuine SD situation. Rare, but not completely nonexistent.
and if their leg goes sideways they have lost their balance, but ok how does a sweep that doesnt have enough kinetic energy to remove their,leg(s), move there leg (s)The sweep doesn't knock them off balance. It removes the leg, so they have no support. That requires only a small amount of kinetic energy, which can even be generated with your foot on the ground.
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