So compounds with molecules small enough to fit in between the genes in your DNA, those causing mutations that can lead to cancer, are too large to fit through the pores in your skin?
Hmm! And you have some scientific evidence to back this up?
When someone eats too much garlic and they develop a cold sweat shortly after, and their sweat actually smells of garlic, that is pure coincidence?
Certainly some compounds can pass through the skin in perspiration but that has nothing to do with detoxification.
The myth you refer to, that you can actively sweat poisons out, is of course a myth in the sense that you can't simply go out on a Friday night, fill yourself with whatever you want, and then live guilt free by going to a sauna the next morning, but the simple fact is you do sweat more if you are full of certain things that you shouldn't be full of, and some of those toxins will be carried out in your sweat.
No. It is a myth, full stop. Traces of some compounds may be eliminated in sweat. Not enough to be considered detox.
Have you ever owned a dog? Have you ever noticed how they seem to be able to read a lot of information just from someone's scent? Well, if sweat is always as pure as you suggest, then I guess those dogs are just reacting randomly and all the research and training that's gone into exploiting a dog's super sense of smell, for everything from hunting to crime detection to medical situations, its all just a massive waste of time.
​DD never said sweat was pure. Trace amounts of other compounds can pass through the skin and there are scientific papers postulating that it may by possible to eliminate certain compounds through induced perspiration. I'll leave one here if you are interested. Biomonitoring and Elimination of Perfluorinated Compounds and Polychlorinated Biphenyls through Perspiration: Blood, Urine, and Sweat Study
And for what it's worth, I do track with my dog. Most of the scent the dog is following is from discarded skin cells, not perspiration. Then you have the disturbed earth, grass etc.
And as for the tone of your response, if you have some knowledge that demonstrates that I'm wrong, well say so constructively. Dismissing my post as being stupid and comparable to believe Elvis is still alive, well that would just be plain insulting if I was the kind that gets insulting by such disappointingly petty remarks.