Pretty funny.

It was a good takedown and a funny video but she did not represent herself or her martial arts school very well, there was no good excuse for her poor conduct as an instructor, especially in front of her student.
How many repossessions are accompanied by a film crew? Sorry! Not real and not even realistic. :)
How many repossessions are accompanied by a film crew? Sorry! Not real and not even realistic. :)

It's part of a "reality" TV show. Camera crews follow these idiot repo guys around, and film their insane and stupid attempts at recovery. It's got about as much to do with the (handful of) real pro repo companies as Dawg The Bounty Hunter does with most bail agents. Was this encounter staged, or were they just encouraged to do it in a way that was most likely to create drama? Don't know.
Was this encounter staged, or were they just encouraged to do it in a way that was most likely to create drama? Don't know.
It's staged. From wikipedia

<<Operation Repo consists of what are purported to be actual stories of repossession incidents; however, the show depicts scripted and dramatized re-enactments in which the cast "recreates" incidents using actors and staged action footage.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP] There is a disclaimer at the beginning and end of the show which says: "The stories that are portrayed in this program are based on real events. The names of the characters were changed in order to protect their identities... and some honor".[SUP][8][/SUP]>>
How many repossessions are accompanied by a film crew? Sorry! Not real and not even realistic. :)

Saw a Lizard Lick episode the other day when the repo guy tried to get a bike at a biker bar. 4 bakers came at him and he avoided for a whie and then was stabbed. The sound guy helped apply pressure to the wound until the ambulance came. Staged?