amazing stuff!!

kickcatcher said:
It is not practical for self-defence therefore I have no respect for it.

Very impressive acrobatics. :)

Oh come on Kickcatcher appreciate the talent it take to do that kind of stuff, everything in our life is not geared towards self defense, go to the movie and enjoy a box of popcorn and the pure entertainment of the flick.
well, if I could do a backflip off a 30 foot building, hit the ground and roll out of it and walk away, I'd have one hell of a party trick!
Flying Crane said:
well, if I could do a backflip off a 30 foot building, hit the ground and roll out of it and walk away, I'd have one hell of a party trick!

I could do all that....right up until the "walk away" part.:rolleyes:

You could remane me from Gemini to Spatula Splatter! :uhyeah:

Nice vid! I love those!
Flying Crane said:
well, if I could do a backflip off a 30 foot building, hit the ground and roll out of it and walk away, I'd have one hell of a party trick!

I'd call that practical.. need to escape a third floor building? or your two story house is caught on fire and you can get to the roof?

that one in particular took some serious time to work on.. you can seriously injure yourself if you land wrong, and won't be trying again for 6+ months.

alot of the stuff was very impressive... thanks for sharing!
mrhnau said:
I'd call that practical.. need to escape a third floor building? or your two story house is caught on fire and you can get to the roof?

Hell yeah, I'd never leave by the door again!
Flying Crane said:
Hell yeah, I'd never leave by the door again!

assuming you don't live in a 10th floor apartment of course... well, you could try it. If so, I do guarentee you won't leave through a door again any time soon hehe
People obviously missed the bit where I said "j/k" (=joke or just kidding) in my post. Of course I found it impressive and entertaining. I can't even do a cartwheel. :(
Zowie... I really need to train more! And even then, I will never come close to any of the things exhibited in that video. Thanks for sharing.
Those people are really amazing! ok maybe a lot of those tricks aren't practical but it takes a lot of hard work to get to the level they are at! I only wish i could do some of the stuff i saw! I can't even do a proper handstand or even kip up! There must be somewhere where I can learn this stuff. There is a guy in my class who can so far do front somersaults, hand stands, a near no handed cartwheel and back extension roll into handstand. I have looked at sites on tricking but i don't think its safe to try any of these moves out without a professional gymnastics coach.
Tony said:
Those people are really amazing! ok maybe a lot of those tricks aren't practical but it takes a lot of hard work to get to the level they are at! I only wish i could do some of the stuff i saw! I can't even do a proper handstand or even kip up! There must be somewhere where I can learn this stuff. There is a guy in my class who can so far do front somersaults, hand stands, a near no handed cartwheel and back extension roll into handstand. I have looked at sites on tricking but i don't think its safe to try any of these moves out without a professional gymnastics coach.

If there is a good capoeira teacher in your area, that would be a good start, and it puts it into a martial context. I'm not advocating the acrobatics for real combat, but it is an interesting and fun context that teaches you to be creative and spontaneous with your acrobatics. Much of what is on the video is contained in capoeira. It just depends on how much a person pushes the envelope with it. This stuff is actually pretty extreme. Most of the capoeira I have experienced doesn't push it to this level, even the best of the guys I have seen.
That was absolutely amazing.

But, I did something like that once.......

Of course it was entirely by accident and I ended up in the emergency room.