President Eisenhower's speech on the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex

elder999 said:
Well, yes, of course I think it went unheeded. I posted as much

Right, and I thought your post was marvolous. However, it is striking how obscure Ike's strident warning has become. Also, it is important to see just how far the build up of our current system goes. Lastly, it is a measure of how far we've come...

Ike's warning really forces a completely new interpretation of the events of 9/11.
Hello, That was very good! It seems every nation wants what we have today (our military might).

Yep! ...they have one gun with get to larger ones...they get a tank...we get bigger and faster ones .....they get jets...we get jumbo jets

The race for mass destruction.....hope we win? "A" bombs are not in anymore? ...New-clear one 's are the rage? Clearly everyone sees we are the best in the arms race?

One day man will find a big enough bomb that will end the world? you will not need many....just ONE! "Ah" but to be the first ONE!

Hurry America.......hurry.....thanks "IKE"

I rather see legs races(marthons and 10K's) than ARM races? ...Aloha
The unwarrented influence of the military industrial complex is what has landed us in Iraq. Ike's warning went unheeded and now that influence threatens our liberty and freedom. One of the things that he said that is really striking is that when a society spend 50% of its budget on weapons, it is morally bankrupt.
I think Lincoln'n and Jefferson's warnings about the danger of a centralized bank went unheeded and that has had a very fundmental affect on the stuture of our society into which the 'Military Indusrial Complex" has developed
The documentary that this is coming from is called "Why We Fight" and it, IMO, is everything Fahrenheit 9/11 should have been. It's a film that really makes you think and it lacks Michael Moore's circus side show and ridicule. I think that both liberals and conservatives can watch this movie and reach consensus.

It has always really bothered me that my country spends so much to make weapons and so little on everything else. I really respect Eisenhower for taking a stand against that. His quote, "We should not spend a penny more on defense then what it would take to actually defend our country," is telling.

We have certainly moved far from that ideal.

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