Preparing for tournament in 1 mth

I forgot two things. First is practice in full gear, mouthpiece and cup in particular. Run fartlek sprints in full gear to prep your wind 15 minutes in duration.

Second is give yourself at least 4 days rest prior to game day. Days 1 & 3 active rest day (walk/bike low intensity 45 minutes, kick for 15 minutes and stretch for comfort). Days 2 & 4 rest - no training days (If you feel like you need to, light warm up, forms and stretch gently) then game day
Work is a drag. Can't really sleep neither, since this job is so stressful. I get on average about 5-6hrs of sleep. I get home so late that it only leaves me with about an hour to spare which I use to train everyday. I just bought a speed rope on saturday which I have been using everyday to skip to build up my stamina and improve my footwork. Been stretching everyday for about 15-20min as well. Also weight training 2-3 times a week. I'm coming to tkd classes about 3 times at the moment since my father keeps on harassing me to help him with his home improvement projects and the house chores. Slowly adding more training time into my training regime. I'm planning on getting a punching bag very soon so hopefully that will help.
I wish you the best, you must find time to get some quality practice in.
You still have a reach advantage, practice lower kicks.

good luck

Not if they put me against some big tall guys lol. I'm middleweight but when competing in full contact wtf tournaments always end up fighting heavyweights. Guys who outweigh me at least 30-40lbs. If that's the case again I'm gonna have to go in and stay close to them.
Not if they put me against some big tall guys lol. I'm middleweight but when competing in full contact wtf tournaments always end up fighting heavyweights. Guys who outweigh me at least 30-40lbs. If that's the case again I'm gonna have to go in and stay close to them.

Yes and remember to kick while going in this way they go pass the target and yu can hit the target area. Best of luck once again.
What do you guys suggest for increasing stamina? That seems to be my biggest issue when competing in wtf tournaments along with breathing with the mouth guard and helmet. I've been doing a lot of skipping with the speed rope. I also started to do an exercise we do at our school in which we throw continuous roundhouses with the same leg for about 10-20 times then do the same with the other leg and then repeat. I tried to do this non-stop for 30 sec and then rest for 1min then repeat again for 3-4 times. I did this while having the mouthguard on. I was breathing very hard at the end of this exercise.
googlre "tabatta" and "HIIT" these are bnoth styles of interval training designed to fire up the anaerobic endurance. Basically you do movements all out for short period of time followed by a brief period of active rest.

In Tabatta style training you alternate 20 seconds work with 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds. HIIT is slightly different but has a similar idea. You jhave to go all should feel exhausted and want to puke at the end :)

I've done stuff like that lately with various light weigh8t barbell movements, pushup, jmp rope, sprints, kicking, shadowboxing/bagwork. The options are endless and in no time you'll see your stamine improve greatly.

Speed Play, it needs to be fun so that you volunteer the intensity. How did it go?

I ended up winning gold in both patterns and sparring. There wasn't enough people so I only got to spar with one guy. Two rounds. First round, it was pretty even. We both exchanged kicks. One of his kicks hit me by the stomach and I felt like throwing up then he kicked me right on the knee a fews times and that hurt like hell. In the second round I came in and push kicked him out of the ring, then about half way into the match, I threw a hop step roundhouse with my left leg and kicked him really hard on the head and he took a few steps back and was like out for a second or two and the ref quickly ran to him and was gonna stop the match but he recovered. Right now my right knee is all bruised up on both sides and I was limping around for a few days lol. I wasn't really too happy with my performance as I let my nerves get to me. I felt the adrenline rush through my body as my match approached, I was breathing really heavily and my face was all red before my match started. My stamina did improve but I was still gased. My master says this is something you overcome with experience. I felt I was only fighting at half my power and skill level but whatever life goes on.
I ended up winning gold in both patterns and sparring. There wasn't enough people so I only got to spar with one guy. Two rounds. First round, it was pretty even. We both exchanged kicks. One of his kicks hit me by the stomach and I felt like throwing up then he kicked me right on the knee a fews times and that hurt like hell. In the second round I came in and push kicked him out of the ring, then about half way into the match, I threw a hop step roundhouse with my left leg and kicked him really hard on the head and he took a few steps back and was like out for a second or two and the ref quickly ran to him and was gonna stop the match but he recovered. Right now my right knee is all bruised up on both sides and I was limping around for a few days lol. I wasn't really too happy with my performance as I let my nerves get to me. I felt the adrenline rush through my body as my match approached, I was breathing really heavily and my face was all red before my match started. My stamina did improve but I was still gased. My master says this is something you overcome with experience. I felt I was only fighting at half my power and skill level but whatever life goes on.

Sounds lie a wonderful time