Preparing for a Black Belt

No but the newest member has to buy the drinks for the rest...a it it is a catered affair with fine cuisine too no hotdogs but... sausage will do nicely
OC Kid said:
No but the newest member has to buy the drinks for the rest...a it it is a catered affair with fine cuisine too no hotdogs but... sausage will do nicely
Oc Kid even at one percent of the people who enter MA...that's one big party! Luckily I love parties and thank goodness this is cyber space...Ok agreed! Hopefully all goes well and then all the virtual e-drinks and sausages are on me!:)
Cool make mine a 7up , inna dirty glass cuz I am kind of macho ya know..:>)
OC Kid said:
Cool make mine a 7up , inna dirty glass cuz I am kind of macho ya know..:>)
LOL :D Ok, I have to go now and finish up my thesis paper...I usually do my best work under pressure.

Talk to you all in a few days!
Good luck, MJ, I'm sure after reading this thread that you are as prepared as you can be. Enjoy the day, it is alot of work but that is what is makes it worthwhile to do. Oh and eat a carbo bar an hour before for max energy!!!God Bless You. TW
TigerWoman said:
Good luck, MJ, I'm sure after reading this thread that you are as prepared as you can be. Enjoy the day, it is alot of work but that is what is makes it worthwhile to do. Oh and eat a carbo bar an hour before for max energy!!!God Bless You. TW
Thanks TW. Your good wishes really mean a lot! Also, a big yes to the carbo bar! :jedi1:
MJ :)
OC Kid said:
Well tell us should we be calling you sensei or Miss MJ now dont keep us in suspense tell us....
I am here to proudly say you may now call me Sensei MJ :karate: *big big :) * So OC Kid I give you all munchies and a dirty glass of 7 up for you and whatever e-drink in clean glasses for the rest of ya:cheers:! KT and all others I just saw and thank you for the funny and sincere good wishes and vibes you sent during the test!

How was it?
It was one of the best days of my life! :) The exercise portion went very well. I heard people say you are making the pushups look easy! The work here really paid off. It was a little challenging, because the pace was not set by me here, but all the kicks and hand strikes felt strong and accurate. The techniques 169 of the 170 were flawless (one tiny redo). The forms came to me like second nature and I got great feedback on my personal form. I watched the tape last night and the choreographed techniques looked so cool. My one friend pushed me to do it ”like a black belt” so I held nothing back and thank God one of my other friends had his cup on….sorry dude! In doing the “no mind” attacks, where they just keep coming in attacking you, I was very proud of what I did there! Exhausting, but very empowering!!!! I was so rewarding to do my thesis presentation and to show them all the teaching video I made starring all of them! The basis of my thesis was to explore the idea that we are all students, but at the same time we are also all teachers and how best to learn and teach the art. I taught them about their learning styles. It was so fun for me to teach everyone about teaching, and to enjoy their honest reactions to seeing themselves on film. It got lots of big laughs. :lol: As part of the thesis I gave them survival kits for learning. Among other things, in the kits were clown glasses (with big red noses) to remind them to have fun in their learning, American flag bandanas to remind them to give their students freedom of choice in their learning. Everyone put them on and I got lots of great pictures! We laughed a lot, but they learned a lot too. We joked that anyone passing the school would be like “And ummmm….This is a black belt test?” :lol:

What was the most difficult part for you
Somewhere around about three hours in I started to get real tired and by far the sparring was the most difficult thing to get through!!! I canÂ’t remember who, but someone here warned me that the people I face may not be the people I knowÂ…that was very good insightÂ…my fourth and last partner made me work for every block and strike. He took me to the ground twice and there I found the strength to flip him over and do some work, but it was exhausting. He pushed me over the edge but it was the right thing to do I think. He hit me really really hard (my three sisters wanted to rush him LOL), and he made me work and if heÂ’s reading thisÂ…I must say you totally deserved the bite I gave ya ;) LOL.... I love you for pushing me and thanks for showing me what I could do! It was very humbling and feels great to have survived it! Luckily, I am a video editor and can make the fight look just a bit differentÂ…Hee hee

How do you feel?
Totally amazing Â…that is, for someone who was run over by a :apv:tank yesterday! I am totally stiff and I'm covered in bruises and bumpsÂ… but I'd gladly do it again today!:)

How did it effect you?
In profound ways. I was pushed to my limits and believe that I would without a doubt fight for my life if necessary. It was harder than I could have ever imagined, but I survived and feel a huge sense of accomplishment. The sense of community and camaraderie that I feel as a result of this day are indescribable. I know that I have great love and respect for a lot of people! I am now really ready to learn...

I want to send my sincere thanks :asian: to all of you for your fantastic and invaluable advice. Your interest here shows that we are all a part of a great community of Martial Artists! Aside from the free e-food and drinksÂ…a big thank you :kiss: to you all! LETÂ’S PARTY!!!!:cheers: WOOO HOOO!!!!

Congratulations MJ!!!!! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Your hard work and all of the efforts that you have put into your training paid off!!!!! :asian:

Keep up the good work!! Dont forget, the journey isn't over yet..its just beginning!!!

CLASS AT ATTENTION DEEP BOW TO MISS MJ :>) congrats. Like I said you'll start seeing other B/Bs treating you differently,talking to you differently , you are now part of a exclusive club.
No secret hand shakes but you just paid your dues..:>)
MJ - Sensai :asian:

Congratulations on your test and your success on your test. :)
Congrats the journey really starts to began, remember all the hard work and you'll always be ahead of the game.God Bless America
Way to go MJ, take pride in your success. This has been an inspirational and generally excellent thread. Thank you for taking all of us on your journey.:asian:
From the sound you did a great job. I glad to hear that someone pushed you to your limits and that you responded and kept going.
Remember the learning never stops, but you have made huge step.
You really bite him? thats beautiful.

Sensai MJ :asian:

Thank you Sheldon and everyone else for your congratulations and for sharing this with me!
tshadowchaser said:
You really bite him? thats beautiful.
Uh... yeah! :uhyeah: My victim assures me though it's okay because he tells me in Kenpo anything that gets you out of harms way is acceptable...and really I swear he asked for it!;) I thank him for it all too, and my brother and sisters for my early training :D
Sensei MJ - You are an inspiration. I have a BB pre-test evaluation in 5 weeks and I am SO NERVOUS!!

It sounds like you performed in a manner to be proud of - AWESOME, GIRL!!
