Deaf Smith
Master of Arts
Who is Al Qaeda? Who is a Taliban? To say that we have a loose definition of who these people are is an understatement. We'd basically have to genocide the place if we are going to fit this criteria for winning. Not even Ghengis Khan could do that...
Taliban used to run Afghanistan. I have no doubt their leaders are well known to the U.S. government. They didn't hide. During WW2 we hosted the Free French, and their shadow government declaired war on German.
Al Qaeda? Some guy named Osama bin Laden. Seems he has even gotten on TV alot proclaiming his cause. And his underlings are well known to and have been on TV to. Many of those that work for Osama have been identified.
And idiots like the underwear bomber brag that they are members of Al Qaeda and who am I to object?
These groups declaire war. And their form of war targets civilians on purpose. That is one of the definitions of 'unlawful enemy combatants'.
As for 'The Powerline' Blog.
In 1942, German saboteurs landed on Long Island and in Florida. That they were eventually captured by the FBI did not stop President Franklin Roosevelt from directing that they be treated as unlawful enemy combatants. They were ultimately tried before a military commission in Washington and executed. Their status had nothing to do with who held them, and their treatment was upheld in all respects by the Supreme Court.
This SCOTUS court case was called the Ex Parte Quirin and SCOTUS decided it was quite legal.
So yes we are at war and the enemy does not abide by the rules of war and thus are to not be treated by the same rules as those who signed the conventions.
What happens in Afghanistan will take time. LOTS of time. And Afghanistan does not have to be a mirror image of Iraq. It takes quite a bit of time to turn a feudal system into something more like ours.