Preferred Brand Of Knife

Doesn't anyone else in the Arnis world carry a blade, hell I don't even care if it is Swiss Army or Cub Scout Issue.

Keith, very forthright about the "geek blade" but who's gonna hassle you about it, as Bram would ask?

I got disapointed that this died out, but WTH, I'm just a goofy kur-a-tee type guy who loves his edged weapons and dreams about naked chicks with cool knives (is it time for my meds yet?)

I just hoped that we would get a bigger sampling from the Arnis crowd as edged weapons are a huge part of all FMA and we are not hearing from most of you.

at various times benchmade stryker, Emerson/Perrin La Griff, different Spyderco delicas. Also expermenting with a Kershaw Ken Onion model; neat opening system but I haven't made up my mind yet as to how much I really like it.
and assorted others to play with around the house/school...

Originally posted by Parker

I got disapointed that this died out, but WTH, I'm just a goofy kur-a-tee type guy who loves his edged weapons and dreams about naked chicks with cool knives (is it time for my meds yet?)


Hi Parker,

Can't help with the "naked" chicks with knives part but here is a link to a picture of a attractive girl with a knife. The character's name is Elektra (Frank Miller's Daredevil comic book fans know who I am talking about). Anyway, they are making a big budget Daredevil motion picture starring, Ben Affleck.

Originally posted by Parker

Doesn't anyone else in the Arnis world carry a blade, hell I don't even care if it is Swiss Army or Cub Scout Issue.

I carry a cheap folder and am in the process of looking for a nicer folder. I'm not sure if I want something as fancy as the Gunting--the CQC-7 has been recommended to me by Mr. Hartman and I'm looking at it.

I just hoped that we would get a bigger sampling from the Arnis crowd as edged weapons are a huge part of all FMA and we are not hearing from most of you.

I certainly teach the knife as part of my Modern Arnis and discuss short sword techniques when using the stick and of course when doing Espada y Daga. Mr. Hartman has developed his own knife training program within Modern Arnis, called Mano Y daga. There are people doing it!
I also carry a cheap folder but my main blade is the Bram's Gunting knife. I own a couple of flea-market type balisongs too.
Can't help with the "naked" chicks with knives part but here is a link to a picture of a attractive girl with a knife. The character's name is Elektra (Frank Miller's Daredevil comic book fans know who I am talking about). Anyway, they are making a big budget Daredevil motion picture starring, Ben Affleck.

The babe in that picture is none other than Jennifer Garner, the lead actress on the hit show "Alias." To me, she's one hot babe and methinks that she'll steal every scene from Ben Affleck.


I have a Wortac knife (which is a beauty), a pit bull knife by Timberline (very sweeet), a couple of balisongs (one of which was bought by my brother's father in law, a Filipino, while on a trip in the Phillipines), and a very very nasty kerambit, which I purchased from the late Pa Herman Suwanda a couple of years ago. Those are my favorites.


gentlemen, i collect tactical and combat knives and have done so for 16 yrs. check out i just recieved my first knife made by this genius and will (finances permitting) be getting many others............respects
Palusut, thank you......

Now if we can chop out that silly barbecue skewer and replace with a proper Mad Dog knife....

Arnisador, thank you for clarifying. If you are looking at CQC7, look at the Emerson CQC7 green handle with hardchrome spearpoint blade, very sharp visually and far moer practical than the tanto point.

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