Prayer/Meditation/Good thoughts Request Thread

There are whole nations hurting and in need of our constant prayers, also for my sons safe return from a far away country. He left just before Christmas, and will be in harms way. Thank you Carol, for starting this thread up again, and my heart felt prayers go out to “MS”.

May he return soon, and happy...
I send my energies too to all those that seem in need at the beginning of this year - there are many.

If there is enough to go round, could I ask that a little is spared for the recovery of my mother, whose paranoid schizophrenia has resurfaced after nearly twenty years.

There's always enough to go around Mark, I'm sorry to hear about your mother's condition and will keep her in my thoughts and prayers
Mark, I'm sorry to hear that. Some of the parents of the kids I work with have similar types of things, and from what I've seen, it's a brutal, ugly, and painful condition. Am sending what positive thoughts and prayers I can your family's way.

Seasoned, will keep a line open for a fellow serviceman.
I send my energies too to all those that seem in need at the beginning of this year - there are many.

If there is enough to go round, could I ask that a little is spared for the recovery of my mother, whose paranoid schizophrenia has resurfaced after nearly twenty years.

There are whole nations hurting and in need of our constant prayers, also for my sons safe return from a far away country. He left just before Christmas, and will be in harms way. Thank you Carol, for starting this thread up again, and my heart felt prayers go out to “MS”.

Both of you and your families will be kept in my thoughts and prayers. :asian:
There's always more than enough good thoughts to go around.
Thank you my friends.

Exile, her condition has been mostly stable for the past eighteen years, kept that way by the right mix of chemical 'rebalancers'.

What we think has happened is that the medication she has been taking for an onset of other physical conditions has messed up the equilibrium.

This is very hard on my dad who has not yet recovered from his own brush with the Reaper not so long ago and doesn't have the strength to carry this like he once did.

As a family, we have all confessed to each other that we never thought we'd be facing this horror again. I don't mean to diminish those who have experienced real, physical, bereavement but I think those who have encountered this will understand when I say it is like a death but a human who looks like the person you knew is still there in her place.
Thank you my friends.

Exile, her condition has been mostly stable for the past eighteen years, kept that way by the right mix of chemical 'rebalancers'.

What we think has happened is that the medication she has been taking for an onset of other physical conditions has messed up the equilibrium.

This is very hard on my dad who has not yet recovered from his own brush with the Reaper not so long ago and doesn't have the strength to carry this like he once did.

As a family, we have all confessed to each other that we never thought we'd be facing this horror again. I don't mean to diminish those who have experienced real, physical, bereavement but I think those who have encountered this will understand when I say it is like a death but a human who looks like the person you knew is still there in her place.

It is like this with my oldest. Once when he was diagnosed with autism, again when he was diagnosed as schizophrenic. It's very much like mourning the death of the person you thought you knew.

Mark, all my empathy.
Thank you, Georgia, for your words, especially so in your own time of grieving.
I wholeheartedly believe in prayer as a means of healing. But I also, strongly believe in, the emotional healing that begins, when we humble ourselves, my asking for those prayers, from total strangers and getting a response, and out pouring as is shown in this thread. I speck from my heart, when I say I will pray for each and every one here, that has opened themselves up, to their hurt.
My father in law is in the hospital undergoing tests to try to identify if the mass they found between his pancreas and liver, and determine what they're going to do about it. Please send your positive energy and prayers his way.
My father in law is in the hospital undergoing tests to try to identify if the mass they found between his pancreas and liver, and determine what they're going to do about it. Please send your positive energy and prayers his way.

Prayers and good thoughts abounding towards you all.
Prayers, please, for John, back in the hospital for a meds review, Meg who physically felt his rage yesterday, and the families of all who are challenged with developmental disabilities and mental illness.
Prayers, please, for John, back in the hospital for a meds review, Meg who physically felt his rage yesterday, and the families of all who are challenged with developmental disabilities and mental illness.

My thoughts and prayers to your family Geo, and to all families touched by this. *hugs*
Hugs indeed. As one who has had to endure decades of 'abnormal' and violent behaviour from a close family member, I can well feel what this time means to all involved.
My prayers are with you, and John. Good energy heading your way, and hopefully some tranquility for awhile.
My friend went into hospital yesterday. He's got the works: ultradian mood swings, psychosis, grand mal seizures. Happily his sense of humor is untouched, and I think this will carry him a long way.

In my own struggles with the disease he's my role model; I look to him as a source of strength. His humor, dignity, and wisdom are a model for anyone living with a major chronic illness. We stay in touch via text messaging as he feels able, and I give him what encouragement I can.
Thoughts going out to you and yours, Flea. Hang in there.
Flea, lots of positive energy and a prayer or two going out to you and your friend. May you both find peace.