Prayer/Meditation/Good thoughts Request Thread

Scott, I hope all goes well with the surgery. Sending my good thoughts. Please keep us up to date on the progress. have them all from Virginia

Here's hoping for a solid recovery and a way to pay for the needed care!
Again thank you MT members. It may sound odd being how I have only met 2 other members in person, but you all feel like an extended bunch of friends without a doubt.

Update: He came through surgery with flying colors. There were able to get everything back together and the outlook is very positive for close to 100%. Lots of work involved over the next few months with the plates, screws, and whatever I guess, but better than it looked this morning. He is feeling not so hot right now, but as he puts it "It still hurts like hell, but they have me flying so high I don't really give a rip!" Right now the financial aspect is not top priority, but we are working on maybe doing a seminar or something like that to help them out. Kind of put a MA twist to some support because it is such a part of who he is, and what people associate with him.

Again, heartfelt thanks from my entire family!
I'm glad he came through surgery so well. My prayers are going out for his full recovery
My prayers are with him during his rehab and recovery. I hope all continues to go well for him :asian:
Update: He came through surgery with flying colors. There were able to get everything back together and the outlook is very positive for close to 100%.
By the time I saw the thread you'd already posted the update. I'm glad to hear the surgery went well, and best wishes towards his recovery.
After being here on MT for a while now, I know what a bunch of wonderful caring people you are. Yesterday I got a call from my brother. He is my brother, friend, MA Instructor, All around good guy. He had an accident at work yesterday and had his wrist crushed between a 275 gallon oil tank and a rock wall. He is undergoing surgery in a couple of hours to try and repair the damage and rebuild everything. If y'all could just remember him and his family (new wife 2 1/2 months ago) that everything will turn out all right for them I would appreciate it and I know he would as well.


I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the update, Scott - here's hoping (again) that his recovery is less painful and more complete than the doctors expect.
My friend has a serious kidney infection. Her protein levels are slowly coming down. She has been tested everyday since Sunday, they are still elevated. Next test is tomorrow (she gets to skip today in hopes they will see a bigger drop tomorrow). Praying that when she goes back they are at normal levels and she's feeling well and pain free.
My friend has a serious kidney infection. Her protein levels are slowly coming down. She has been tested everyday since Sunday, they are still elevated. Next test is tomorrow (she gets to skip today in hopes they will see a bigger drop tomorrow). Praying that when she goes back they are at normal levels and she's feeling well and pain free.

My prayers are with her :asian:
My friend has a serious kidney infection. Her protein levels are slowly coming down. She has been tested everyday since Sunday, they are still elevated. Next test is tomorrow (she gets to skip today in hopes they will see a bigger drop tomorrow). Praying that when she goes back they are at normal levels and she's feeling well and pain free.

I too am praying for you friend!
warm wishes and prayers to your friend

I am so desperate for a job right now, really anything that pays money ... I had an interview this past Monday and am waiting to hear back. She said she would call either today, tmrw or Monday in regards to if i have it or not. So please keep that in your prayers too.
Scott, your brother and family will remain in my prayers and thoughts. I hope recovery is solid and complete.

JT, your friend, too, has been added to my list. Kidney infections can be painful, so I hope things improve quickly!

Brandi Jo, you too are on the list. Let's hope you hear good news today or tomorrow, because waiting over the weekend would suuuuuuuck!
I'd like to add Debbie and John to the prayer list. They just lost husband/dad a few months back, and this will be thier first Christmas without him.
warm wishes and prayers to your friend

I am so desperate for a job right now, really anything that pays money ... I had an interview this past Monday and am waiting to hear back. She said she would call either today, tmrw or Monday in regards to if i have it or not. So please keep that in your prayers too.

Scott, your brother and family will remain in my prayers and thoughts. I hope recovery is solid and complete.

JT, your friend, too, has been added to my list. Kidney infections can be painful, so I hope things improve quickly!

Brandi Jo, you too are on the list. Let's hope you hear good news today or tomorrow, because waiting over the weekend would suuuuuuuck!

I'd like to add Debbie and John to the prayer list. They just lost husband/dad a few months back, and this will be thier first Christmas without him.

Good thoughts and prayers for all of you
My friend has a serious kidney infection. Her protein levels are slowly coming down. She has been tested everyday since Sunday, they are still elevated. Next test is tomorrow (she gets to skip today in hopes they will see a bigger drop tomorrow). Praying that when she goes back they are at normal levels and she's feeling well and pain free.

warm wishes and prayers to your friend

I am so desperate for a job right now, really anything that pays money ... I had an interview this past Monday and am waiting to hear back. She said she would call either today, tmrw or Monday in regards to if i have it or not. So please keep that in your prayers too.

I'd like to add Debbie and John to the prayer list. They just lost husband/dad a few months back, and this will be thier first Christmas without him.

All added to our lists here as well!

As an update on my Brother. Last night after taking one of his classes I stopped in the Hospital to see how he was doing. They thought they might have to go back in and do some more work because during the night a few of his fingers went numb, but all was well when the Surgeon checked on him around 5:00 AM. The surgeon was in at Midnight, 2:30, 3:30, and in at 5:00 during the night/early morning just to make sure everything was going according to what he thought it should be. Not going to be back to 100% ever, but should be at least high 80's they figure. He was joking around with every single person that came in the room last night even though he was tired and still hurting, so that is a good sign when he gets his sense of humor back.

Another development, there is a program here in the state that is going to cover him medically until the end of the year with a possible extension into the new year as well. I have to believe all the thoughts and prayers directed his way had something to do with it coming through. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
All added to our lists here as well!

As an update on my Brother. Last night after taking one of his classes I stopped in the Hospital to see how he was doing. They thought they might have to go back in and do some more work because during the night a few of his fingers went numb, but all was well when the Surgeon checked on him around 5:00 AM. The surgeon was in at Midnight, 2:30, 3:30, and in at 5:00 during the night/early morning just to make sure everything was going according to what he thought it should be. Not going to be back to 100% ever, but should be at least high 80's they figure. He was joking around with every single person that came in the room last night even though he was tired and still hurting, so that is a good sign when he gets his sense of humor back.

Another development, there is a program here in the state that is going to cover him medically until the end of the year with a possible extension into the new year as well. I have to believe all the thoughts and prayers directed his way had something to do with it coming through. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Great News!!! I've always considered prayers as positive energy directed at a goal, with all the positive energy here, it's bound to have an effect.
All added to our lists here as well!

As an update on my Brother. Last night after taking one of his classes I stopped in the Hospital to see how he was doing. They thought they might have to go back in and do some more work because during the night a few of his fingers went numb, but all was well when the Surgeon checked on him around 5:00 AM. The surgeon was in at Midnight, 2:30, 3:30, and in at 5:00 during the night/early morning just to make sure everything was going according to what he thought it should be. Not going to be back to 100% ever, but should be at least high 80's they figure. He was joking around with every single person that came in the room last night even though he was tired and still hurting, so that is a good sign when he gets his sense of humor back.

Another development, there is a program here in the state that is going to cover him medically until the end of the year with a possible extension into the new year as well. I have to believe all the thoughts and prayers directed his way had something to do with it coming through. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

That is awesome news, and good to hear he got a doctor that was so dedicated to the job...