upnorthkyosa said:
It confirmed that the allegations were possible.
So thousands of people purjured themselves in some grand scheme to cast down Bush? Now that is a conspiracy! Sounds like someone needs tin hat... :asian:
And I love this quote from President Bush, it applies here...
"I don't care about the numbers, I know the facts..."
The bottom line is that people made these allegations under oath before congress. We have to assume they are true unless we are given some concrete reason to believe that they are false and that they committed a crime...purjury. The GAO report confirms that it was entirely possible for the alleged incidents to have occured. We need to investigate further in order to ascertain if someone actually tampered with the election results. Statistically, this is the only viable explanation for the discrepincies and I believe that there is concrete evidence that shows that crimes were committed...Bev Harris' video tape and comments actions from certain individuals.
That's funny, because your claim is that thousands of Republicans, with careers and families and freedom and much more to lose engaged in a vast conspiracy to "steal" the election, all of which is far more serious than simply charging them with perjury.
Yet, you think it's "implausable" that "thousands" of nut jobs (The idea that it was "thousands" appearing before congress is an asinine assertion anyway.....signing a petition is not "appearing") and fruit cakes (with nothing else to do) crawled out of the sewer spouting conspiracy theories for the purposes of rigging an election themselves? pffft.
As for your "numbers"themselves, they are cooked numbers, not facts, but rather the fevered imaginings of self-described "experts" off their medication. The work of cheap magicians who feel they've accomplished credibility by sheer volume of crap.
I'll direct everyone's attention to another kook conspiracy theory sweeping the internet...That is the theory that 9/11 was a government conspiracy and that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosives, not by the planes. These sites quote VAST data by (self-proclaimed) scientists and experts "proving" this allegation. It just goes to show what someone can invent given free time and computer access...they can make any asinine claim "look" real (that is if someone is stupid enough to buy the premise). What's more, "legitimate" sources researching the topic can't avoid being influenced by the sheer volume of "evidence" on the internet that was simply invented.
You'll note the "mountain" of "scientific" evidence presented to prove THIS kook theory. They even quote "anonymous" government agents and former government agents....lol
Again, some folks spend so much time on the internet, that they start to think all of it's real. They believe because they find a volume of websites quoting alleged "facts" to support their position, that they aren't simply made up or distortions of reality. They never question why ALL those websites refer to back to a small set of "sources". What's furthermore, they never question the obviously biased and radical nature of some of the site operator's, who sit in their basement, and crank out one (left and right wing) conspiracy theory after another. Then, they use EACH OTHER's conspiracy fanatasy as MORE evidence of their own nutty theories. I love the internet, it's so much more interesting than reality. That's why folks have to be cautious with the internet....it is very difficult to varify or debunk even the most ludicrous assertions.
The bottom line is, however, that the left in this country doesn't care if the elections were rigged or not...they will SAY they were rigged as long as they keep losing. Reality doesn't matter, it's all perception. Convince people they are being disinfranchised, whether it's true or not. It's never been about the truth with the left. It's always been about arousing passion.
"There is no objective truth, but that which serves the party".
"A lie told often enough, becomes the truth"
"We need the real, nation wide terror which reinvigorates the country and through which the Great French Revolution achieved glory"
"The way to crush the bourgeoise is to grind them between the millstone of taxation and inflation"
"There are no morals in politics; there is only experience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel"
"The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but a collective organizer of the masses"
Vladimir Lenin
And just for good measure...
"The collapse of the global marketplace would be a traumatic event with unimaginable consequences. Yet I find it easier to imagine than the continuation of the present regime."
George Soros, (financial speculator and profiteer) on Capitalism