Post surgery training


White Belt
Ok so despite being fairly new to muay thai, I WAS enjoying my training as its a very simple yet effect sport to pick up :) After just over a month i suddenly kept gettin loads of urinary and kidney infections for no apparent reason. It turns out a knee to the groin from football a year or two had caused some scarring in my uretha (Nice eh!) and it was stopping me pissing. Ive now had it sorted but ive been off for a while as the medication im on severely disagrees with me but they wont change it. I had an op last thurs and i come off the medication in four weeks. If i raise my heart beat to much it makes me feel queezy and i throw up ( im know its not because im unfit as i passed 90% of the entry tests for the royale marines with an injury). I dont want to go back till my gym till i get my fitness back, so im just wondering what kinda stuff that i can be doing thats not to over the top. I have a bench and a really dodgy torso shaped free standing bag thing. Currently ive just been doing 3 days work, 10 mins on the bag practising technique, a body weight excersise circuit ( 20 military style pressups, 25 situps, 20 squats, 8 wide grip pull ups) x 3...then running on a night. one day will be 1.5 miles
one day will be 3 and one day will be 6 miles. What can i do to step my training up without pushing my self to much. Should i use the time to drop some weight or start some heavy weights etc etc. Sorry for the essay, any advice would be welcome thanks!
Hey JB*,

First off, welcome to MT! I hope you enjoy the forum! :D

Secondly, you said you had surgery last thursday and are on long term medication? My best advice is to ask your doctor what you can and can not do. Even lifting weights, upper body can put a strain on certain muscles and cause you problems. I definitely think it is a little too early to start any exercising at this time but check with the doc. By returning to training too early you are just asking for trouble and could in the long run, cause you to not be able to return to training for a longer period of time.

Good luck to you and once again, welcome. :)
Better to take it slowly and gradually. I pushed it too hard after gall bladder surgery and several injuries delayed my comeback by several Months at the least.
Good advice to seek Dr. advice and also pay attention to how you are feeling. Think long term big picture! :0)
Welcome fellow whitebelt.

As for your question, talk to your doctor ASAP before you do anything that will raise your heart rate. Some medications have other stuff put in it to stop you from doing things that are dangerous while taking it. Like in your case, you get queasy if your hr goes too high. This could easily be caused by a secondary ingredient to prevent you from wanting to exercise because the primary/active ingredient could cause a heart attack or something of that nature if your bp rises too high or your hr goes too high. I'm not saying that your medication is one of these kinds but just in case ya know. Doctors know best.. i should know... im going to be one soon :)

It sounds like you are in pretty damn good shape though. 4 weeks of rest won't set you back much.

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