White Belt
Ok so despite being fairly new to muay thai, I WAS enjoying my training as its a very simple yet effect sport to pick up
After just over a month i suddenly kept gettin loads of urinary and kidney infections for no apparent reason. It turns out a knee to the groin from football a year or two had caused some scarring in my uretha (Nice eh!) and it was stopping me pissing. Ive now had it sorted but ive been off for a while as the medication im on severely disagrees with me but they wont change it. I had an op last thurs and i come off the medication in four weeks. If i raise my heart beat to much it makes me feel queezy and i throw up ( im know its not because im unfit as i passed 90% of the entry tests for the royale marines with an injury). I dont want to go back till my gym till i get my fitness back, so im just wondering what kinda stuff that i can be doing thats not to over the top. I have a bench and a really dodgy torso shaped free standing bag thing. Currently ive just been doing 3 days work, 10 mins on the bag practising technique, a body weight excersise circuit ( 20 military style pressups, 25 situps, 20 squats, 8 wide grip pull ups) x 3...then running on a night. one day will be 1.5 miles
one day will be 3 and one day will be 6 miles. What can i do to step my training up without pushing my self to much. Should i use the time to drop some weight or start some heavy weights etc etc. Sorry for the essay, any advice would be welcome thanks!

one day will be 3 and one day will be 6 miles. What can i do to step my training up without pushing my self to much. Should i use the time to drop some weight or start some heavy weights etc etc. Sorry for the essay, any advice would be welcome thanks!