I'd like to first say i am a huge supporter of keeping fights in the ring or cage. Ive actually never been in a streetfight, nor do i want to. But.. This month alone, ive had 3 different confrontations that couldve easily became violent. And now i feel like it wont be long till i have to defend myself without gloves or rules. Keep in mind i didnt instigate any of these confrontations. Im a quiet reserved guy, so those situations take tolls on me. I do muay thai, and my niche so to speak is more of a brawlers type of fight. I take alot of hits, and i like getting my hands dirty and putting it all on the line. So i realize... This isnt exactly the smartest thing to do in a real fight. And honestly i believe i wouldnt have a problem defending myself against anyone my size. Unfortunately, people my size arent the problem. Im 120. Its the bigger guys or guys with other people with them that like to get violent or physical. So.. With the tools taught in muay thai, whats the most practical, effective way of self defense? Thanks.