Sudden job quandry, asking for opinions


Orange Belt
In an unlikely turn of events, I was offered a job yesterday after the CEO of a company saw my resume and called me personally to try to work something out.

The Job is a Director level one, in charge of an entire radiology department. It is a high level, suit and tie, leadership position, and also not one that I applied for.. I only applied for a software admin job, but I guess they liked what they saw, and they decided to create a director position for me. It is with a nonprofit organization that is rock-solid, staff that are there stay for literally decades, which is rare these days. I could see retiring at this position. I have also never held such a position, and only own one suit. However, I'm really excited about the possibilities. It is also more than a two hour commute from where I now live. It's in East Boston, and I really don't want to move back to Massachusetts.

The job I currently have is a low stress, high freedom job. I work mostly from home, when I do go in, I can be late, or leave early. It is a 24 hour 7 day a week on call position though that I share with one other person... my co-worker, who is also my best friend. The work atmosphere is great, and there is a high comfort level. There is no real dress code, I wear chinos and polo shirts usually. However, I have no idea how they make payroll every two weeks, money is so tight. Forecast for this for-profit place is shaky. in my opinion, but things have always been tight, and they always seem to stumble along.

Both jobs pay exactly the same. Health care benefits would be a bit better at the first job. Wife and I do not want to relocate, pull the kids out of school, etc... even assuming relocation is possible in this housing climate. If I moved, I might have to give up my current MA dojo and instruction, which would bug me too, though I could find someone else in MA.

I'm curious to see what my MT brethren would do. Which path would you chose, and why?
If you were single I would say go for the new position, but you do have a family to consider..As long as the checks dont bounce stay put for now...
You said it yourself to many positive to really be leaving the job right now, stay put and eveyone will be happy.
It's definitely a difficult decision. Your current job sounds fantastic, but a new prospect is always exciting.

Are you at the top of your pay level at your current job? With it's future being unstable, if you're already at the top of your pay level, you may want to go for the move.

I'm surprised they didn't offer you at a least a token increase to make the move, but if there is room for increases it may be worth it.

OTOH, if you feel your position in your current job is stable, you are happy there, your family is happy in your area, and you are able to comfortably make ends meet, then I don't see any reason to move.

Best of luck with your decision and please keep us posted. :asian:
Oh, also I was only using the interview as a practice interview, I had never seriously entertained the thought of commuting there until they popped this on me.
Hey Jamz...I'm on my way out the door so I'll share a more detailed opionion later...

Commuting to East Boston succccckkkksss.....however, if I were you I would take the job!
To me, the points in favor of staying with the old job make a pretty strong bargaining position for the new one. Obviously they are very interested in you, as the CEO called you personally to fill a position you hadn't applied for.

If I were you, I'd use this and the fact that you don't really need the new job to attempt to negotiate a much better salary and benefits package that would make the new position more worthwhile.

If you fail, or the company tells you to get stuffed, then it wasn't in the cards, and you can continue at your current position with far fewer "what if" questions lurking in your mind.

If you succeed, then you've made things better for yourself and your family, which is never a bad thing.
Sorry to necro a thread, but I wanted to update. I took the new job. It is fantastic. I speak with people in my old job, and they tell me it is bad over there and getting worse. The new job is just great, and I really love being there.

The commute is a grind. It takes about 7 hours a day to go back and forth, so I am out of the house at 5:15am and I get back at 8PM. It has taken a toll on my private life, what with not being able to spend much time with my family, but the other thing it has done is forced me away from my training. My dojo only has weekday hours, and I just can't get back in time.

It is unbelievably frustrating to have to stop karate. I've been at it for two and a half years now, and it's been a lifelong dream to have it be a permanent part of my life.

Oh well, such is life sometimes. Maybe I can re-arrange my schedule eventually and set up something more liveable.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad you're happy with your decision. That is one hell of a commute though. I take it you didn't relocate? I'm sure you will be able re-arrange your schedule down the road. Keep us posted. :asian:

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