Poll: How do you schedule your practice?


Blue Belt
Hey guys,

Thanks to all that participated in the last poll your answers were all insightful. I have here another poll for you. We all practice differently for a various reasons. It would be interesting to see the spectrum of times aloted to practicing our lovely art of wing chun (or any other art you practice in.) Plus a reason why if possible...

1) How long a day do you practice?
2) How many days a week?
3) What advice would you give a newbie in regards to the above two questions?
My favourite subject!

Since around Christmas time I've been doing an hour a day before work Monday to Friday and going to 2 classes a week. On rare good weeks I can get to 3 classes. I try and get 2 hours of chi sau in away from class every week, but my training partner's been busy the past couple of weeks. I've also started getting to class 45 mins early to chi sau with anyone else who gets there early. Of course, this is only the plan and some weeks I do more, some less.

As far as advice goes, I would suggest finding a way that was comfortable to you. Start by looking at how much training you are doing, how much training you would like to do and then how much training you can really fit in, given all the other demands on your life. What I did was write down all the things I could practise and all the times I could practise them and took it from there. It helped me to get everything down on paper.
Monday - Forms for an hour in the morning. Karate class for two hours in the evening
Tuesday - Impact hand conditioning (wall bag/boxing bag/dummy work) for half an hour in morning. Karate for an hour and a half in evening, followed by wing chun for two hours
Wednesday - Footwork training (kicking drills, arrow walk, etc) for half an hour in morning. Wing chun class for two hours in the evening
Thursday - Upper body movement (legs stay still) for half an hour in morning. Karate for three hours in the evening
Friday - Sparring in the evening (loose sparring and heavier sparring)
Saturday - Power walking in morning. Teaching wing chun class for an hour and a half
Sunday - Grappling for two hours

For newbies - don't overdo it. Your body will soon tell you if you are doing too much, but sometimes beginners get too enthusiastic and overwork it

Most of all - have fun!
i attend 1, 2hr class a week, other than this i train slt every day for about half an hour, i train cardio twice a week.
i wish i could attend more classes but work kinda interferes with them
My favourite subject!
As far as advice goes, I would suggest finding a way that was comfortable to you. Start by looking at how much training you are doing, how much training you would like to do and then how much training you can really fit in, given all the other demands on your life. What I did was write down all the things I could practise and all the times I could practise them and took it from there. It helped me to get everything down on paper.

Very efficient. Thats what I've been doing. For me its very important that I'm doing a routine I know I can maintain. So far I've not broken my training days.

Monday - Forms for an hour in the morning. Karate class for two hours in the evening
Tuesday - Impact hand conditioning (wall bag/boxing bag/dummy work) for half an hour in morning. Karate for an hour and a half in evening, followed by wing chun for two hours
Wednesday - Footwork training (kicking drills, arrow walk, etc) for half an hour in morning. Wing chun class for two hours in the evening
Thursday - Upper body movement (legs stay still) for half an hour in morning. Karate for three hours in the evening
Friday - Sparring in the evening (loose sparring and heavier sparring)
Saturday - Power walking in morning. Teaching wing chun class for an hour and a half
Sunday - Grappling for two hours

For newbies - don't overdo it. Your body will soon tell you if you are doing too much, but sometimes beginners get too enthusiastic and overwork it

Most of all - have fun!

Thats a full schedule. nice.

i attend 1, 2hr class a week, other than this i train slt every day for about half an hour, i train cardio twice a week.
i wish i could attend more classes but work kinda interferes with them

Keep it up Naneek.

I train monday to saturdays when I roll out of bed. I do a warm up, do my forms, and practice techniques.

For me the most important thing as i mentioned above is taking on a practice regimen I can maintain. For newbies, my advice would be start slow and gradually build up your regimen. You don't want to overdo it.

Gentlemen thanks for your feedback!
every chance I get (morning and night)....and when I am not practicing I am reading about this magnificent art....also it helps to be well rounded,try to understand other arts....yeah, I drive Wifey nuts...her pet name for me is Ching Chong...and when I screw up it's Ding Dong.

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