theletch1 said:
Is an LEO not still a citizen of this country? I have the right as a citizen to use reasonable force, even lethal if warrented, to defend myself. LEOs PUT themselves in harms way to protect the public. How can anyone justify a blanket denial of the right to defend oneself simply because of the uniform they wear?
Jeff once again thank you!! Great post.
Yes our legal system was made although it has it fair shar of loopholes and problems to cover EVERYONE. The good , bad, and the ugly.
LEO's are faced with things that we as citizens do not face on a regular basis. LEO's are called upon to make judgement calls and decisions that some may not agree with. Unfortunatly the LEO's are also faced agasint guns and weapons that are lethal in nature, the only defense the have is twofold.
One. Retailiate with the use of lethal force or
Two. Allow that criminal element to walk around society armed and obviously dangerous.
We now have a complex and very multilayered society of values , beliefs, and moral ethics. Unfortunatly not everyone can have what they want, thus the democratic socoeity we have created.
I can agreee with you that we disagree but I have to respect your position. Now lets come to a mutualy beneficial solution to our challenge.
As far as the sense of LEO's not being able to use lethal force???
I can't imagine the logic of someone making that statement and being able to irefutabbly be able to argue it's validity.
I'n my opinion the statement is simply politicing on some level.
and hops off the :soapbox:
Dave Gunzburg