Police shoot 7 year old girl during raid

an accidental shooting during the execution of a legal warrant does NOT a criminal make.

All the ignorant bloviating aside, it just isnt true.

cops who shoot ACIDENTALLY are not criminals and if you started pressing charges every time, guess what happens?

police will never fire their weapons again, and lives WILL BE LOST because of it.
A criminal act requires a mens rea...AKA "intent". This means that you intentionally performed what you knew to be a criminal act. Another aspect of criminal behavior is known as "criminal negligence". This means that you were acting SO recklessly and SO outside the normal course of behavior that the activity rises to criminal even without "intent". Most true "accidents" of this sort (if it was indeed an accidental discharge or some sort) rarely rise to recklessness.
Negligence and carelessness can be sufficient grounds for a criminal charge. The phrase "showing a callous disregard for human life" should ring some bells. So should "knew or should have known that these actions had the potential to cause death or serious bodily injury to innocents".

And if there's even a whiff of a hint of compromising good procedure in order to look good for the cameras a lot of the standard boiler-plate excuses go right out the window.

I knew it wouldn't be long, before the 'mouth' of the people, made a statement. Of course, I have to laugh when I hear these calls to the people to stop the violence, because those speeches happen in my state as well, and as usual, the violence never ends. I get the impression that the pubic always looks towards the police, for some magical solution, yet the public rarely, well, maybe I shouldn't say rarely, because there are times when they do give tips, but if the solution of the police, was the form a special group of officers to patrol problem areas, bring in state police to help, which BTW, they have done here in CT, hire officers on OT, etc., people ***** and cry about the money being spent. Well, ya know what...ya can't have your cake and eat it too!!!!!

Then again, you have a murderer on the run, possibly hiding out in a house, in which a small child resides in....hmmm...seems like there's no concern on his part for her. *shrug*

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