Polar bear expert barred by global warmists

So we look to engineering solutions or people move...like they always have. We dont start pouring crap into the seas or the sky thinking we are going to change the global climate.

Good luck with that if it does a Younger Dryas type event on us.
The Sky is falling! The Globe is warming! Comets are coming! Super-Volcanoes are erupting!

If a comet is going to wipe us out...its going to wipe us out. We are all on borrowed time on this planet anyway. Always have been, always will be.
The Sky is falling! The Globe is warming! Comets are coming! Super-Volcanoes are erupting!

If a comet is going to wipe us out...its going to wipe us out. We are all on borrowed time on this planet anyway. Always have been, always will be.

Well if you are going to call me cowardly and Chicken Little why not just do it and get it over with. But then I can only assume that you think someone saying why not stop arguing and stop trying to place blame and try and figure out what is really going on and if we can fix it fix it if we can't live with it and or figure out how to survive it is cowardly.

Here's an idea, maybe you might want to read the posts to see what is being said instead of skimming or not reading and responding in a condescending manor with old used arguements to something you assume was written.

So we look to engineering solutions or people move...like they always have. We dont start pouring crap into the seas or the sky thinking we are going to change the global climate.
I got the solution...

Huge, super-giant, shiny mylar space balloons. Like 50 or 100 miles -- or more! -- across! Stick 'em up in orbit, and block about 10% of the sunlight falling on the Earth. Give 'em a couple of years, and global warming won't be a problem at all!

Instead, everyone'll be crying over global cooling!

Seriously -- it's no surprise that an image was manipulated to boost a point. Nor is it a surprise that someone who wasn't touting the party line wasn't invited to the party... Both are just examples of human nature.

Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, Xue, but the above comment, which I sympathize with completely, reminds me of something I wanted to say regarding ideas for equipment to furnish the workout area you are planning to build. Be sure and put in a "tire stack" or at least one tire bolted to a stand. And then collect a variety of rattan sticks, staves and clubs of differing shapes, weights and sizes. You may want a glove for your hand at first, too. Until you build up the calluses a bit, that is.

Now, when you read one too many of these responses in this department, you can follow your "primal scream" by grabbing a good stout club and beating the living tar out of the tire stack. Yup, a little "emotional eskrima". It does the trick for me everytime!

Read the damn post before you reapond with old tired statements, I said that was a possibility already and I am NOT going to go back into the science behind it or the causes of it or any other background on it. I have gone through it before so search MT and find it.

And there were times that wre warmer and times that were cooler and the earths rotation use to be faster and the orbit was not as eliptical and shall I go on

But if it is natural and it could be it is still getting warmer in places it was once cooler and cooler in places it was once warmer, sea level is still raising and land mass will be covered and NYC is one of those places that is threatened.

So you point is?

Xue, how about YOU read the post.

His point is that we know there have been periods when it was much warmer than it is now. And apparently we all survived and even thrived. How do we know that a slight rise in themean temperature will be a disaster? The answer is we don`t.

I`m old enough to remember alarmists predicting a vast global cooling just 20 years ago. (Didn`t happen) I remember alarmists saying that the Alaska Oil pipelin would cause the caribou population to plummet. (Caused it to sky rocket instead) I remember when Mt St Helens blew they said the area would be devistated and lifeless for generations. (Trees began to grow back in a year or two and wildlife returned.) My point is there are always doom sayer whenever anything changes the climate. But the truth is nobody knows what will happen, good or bad. In fact studies in the southern hemiphere show a pattern of global cooling.

If everyone is gonna do thier own "the-sky-is-falling- rap, at least make it one about a subject we have a little control over. The weather is out of our hands.
Well if you are going to call me cowardly and Chicken Little why not just do it and get it over with. But then I can only assume that you think someone saying why not stop arguing and stop trying to place blame and try and figure out what is really going on and if we can fix it fix it if we can't live with it and or figure out how to survive it is cowardly.

Here's an idea, maybe you might want to read the posts to see what is being said instead of skimming or not reading and responding in a condescending manor with old used arguments to something you assume was written.

Just face the facts that we are already dead. There is nothing that any human can do to stop the warming of the planet, or the mass marketing of Global Warming, a scheme that has made Al Gore and others very very wealthy. It's all about power and money. Once you realize that, you can stop worrying about things that you have zero control over.
The earth is getting warmer, this is established. The cause, and whether or not this will have any serious repercussions are unknown. Given the potential severity of the situation, I think we'd be better off playing it safe and trying to better understand the situation, and what should (or even can) be done.

But my question is why warming gets all the attention? There are many other very real issues in our environment that also need attention. Many of which require the same attention as global warming scientists say that needs.

Our Ozone is still a wreck. We have some serious smog problems in many areas. A good chunk of what should be drinking water is now polluted.

Remember the air conditions issue in China around the Olympics?

Forget about global warming completely and the simple fact remains, we are doing some serious damage to our environment, and it is hurting us. The weather is only one issue, the sun, the air and the water are also a part of the puzzle. Oddly enough, they all have the same preventative process, reduce emissions and other forms of pollution.
The earth is getting warmer, this is established. The cause, and whether or not this will have any serious repercussions are unknown. Given the potential severity of the situation, I think we'd be better off playing it safe and trying to better understand the situation, and what should (or even can) be done.

But my question is why warming gets all the attention? There are many other very real issues in our environment that also need attention. Many of which require the same attention as global warming scientists say that needs.

Our Ozone is still a wreck. We have some serious smog problems in many areas. A good chunk of what should be drinking water is now polluted.

Remember the air conditions issue in China around the Olympics?

Forget about global warming completely and the simple fact remains, we are doing some serious damage to our environment, and it is hurting us. The weather is only one issue, the sun, the air and the water are also a part of the puzzle. Oddly enough, they all have the same preventative process, reduce emissions and other forms of pollution.

Stop making sense.
Not trying to jump the thread, but has anyone here ever heard of the H.A.R.P. project? I watched a documentary about it (and its supposed effects on the atmosphere) a few years ago. Apparently there was some concern that it was burning huge holes in our ozone (from what I can remember of the documentary).
Do you know how minor a change it would take, say a very slight shift in planet tilt or orbit even...by a milimeter even, to cause what we would percieve as a massive change in the weather?

Anyway...right before the Earth explodes I want to be place in a rocket and sent to an earth-like planet with substantially less gravity. :)
Xue, how about YOU read the post.

His point is that we know there have been periods when it was much warmer than it is now. And apparently we all survived and even thrived. How do we know that a slight rise in themean temperature will be a disaster? The answer is we don`t.

I`m old enough to remember alarmists predicting a vast global cooling just 20 years ago. (Didn`t happen) I remember alarmists saying that the Alaska Oil pipelin would cause the caribou population to plummet. (Caused it to sky rocket instead) I remember when Mt St Helens blew they said the area would be devistated and lifeless for generations. (Trees began to grow back in a year or two and wildlife returned.) My point is there are always doom sayer whenever anything changes the climate. But the truth is nobody knows what will happen, good or bad. In fact studies in the southern hemiphere show a pattern of global cooling.

If everyone is gonna do thier own "the-sky-is-falling- rap, at least make it one about a subject we have a little control over. The weather is out of our hands.

I don't know, I might be older than you, but that does not really matter

And where am I saying anything about doom?

I have read the posts have you read mine?

Let me say this one last time and then I will go, feel free to respond, call me names infer I'm an idiot and crying the sky is falling, I will not respond so you can then go off declare victory and pat yourself on the back.

I am saying that all this arguing finger pointing and trying to place blame for what may or may not be natural is a waste of time. It would be much more productive to work at finding out what is really going on.

And to your examples most don't even apply to the discussion but whatever.... as to Mt St Helens...huh?

Mt ST Helens was rather small if you look at eruptions and you might want to look at them historically. But it was a devastating eruption and people, animals and plants died. Nature however is quite resilient and is coming back, it is still not at the same level it was pre eruption but it is coming back. Now, I am not yelling doom here or the end of the world I am just dealing with historic facts. If that were say the size of say a Toba, Krakatau, Santorini, or Tambora things would have been considerably worse. And even though you will likely label me a doom sayer, Super Volcanoes do exist to and have erupted and Yellowstone is one. And there are ash deposits to prove the deviation these types of eruptions cause and large volcanic eruptions can affect global climate, Tambora sure as heck did and these things can erupt, have erupted and will again and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it and in those events nature came back too…it just took a lot longer. But this has little to do with the topic and more to do with education about volcanism.

As to the global cooling bits, I believe and I could be wrong here it has been awhile since I looked at it, if you are talking climate patterns, technically based on historical data we actually should be in a cooling trend heading towards the next ice age, but that is an incredibly slow process and since we are spending so much time trying to discredit people, place blame and argue about it we are not looking at it to see that we may or may not still be headed for an ice age (well we are actually, it will happen again) and that this global warming is just not a function of that or is it something different.

It is this "See they are full of ****"... "No they are full of ****" things that are a complete and utter waste of time.

Is ice Melting? Yes
Are weather patterns different? Yes

Why is this happening? well there could be various reasons so combinations of reasons from natural to man made and maybe it is just me but it makes a whole lot more since to sit down and work on what is going on than to sit down and say NOPE!!! It’s not my fault and anyone that says so is full of ****.

Or saying the world is ending and it is all mans fault and if you don't agree you’re just a moron

Neither works.

If you are talking geological history things change, usually slow but sometimes fast (as I have said see Younger Dryas). And we know why a lot of these things happened, could be the planetary orbit, could be tilt, could be CO2 could be an underwater earth quack that disrupted the conveyor belt system (the effects of that tend to be rather slow too) Or in the case of the dinosaurs and extraterrestrial impact. And there is absolutely not thing one man can do about any of that with current technology except figure out what to do in the event something like this happens. This is not saying panic, this is not some prediction of doom this is fact it has happened before and it will happen again. Don’t live in fear of it, don't shoot the messenger, don’t deny it, just know it and deal with it (not blame someone else) that is all. And if at all possible it might be a good idea to have a contingency plan like where the heck are all those people going to live if NYC is underwater kind of thing. That does not mean you are a doom sayer or panicking or crying wolf or yelling the sky is falling. It pretty much falls under disaster preparedness and disaster planning. But then if it is mainly CO2 emissions we actually “might” be able to make a difference there.

But now we have the "if you don't agree that the polar bears are in danger then your just stupid" load of crap which is equally as helpful as anything Al Gore has ever done which is equally as helpful as the extreme other side that say nothing is going on… this is to say not helpful at all.

Ok have at me, I likely will check back and to see what names I have been called but I will not respond so you can taunt, name call challenge all you want and since I will not respond you can declare victory if you like because you have sure shown me and taught me a lesson.... albeit likely not the one that you intended.
It could be part of the closed-loop feedback control mechanism, possible there are too many people doing too many things causing the world to heat up. The changes that will come about may lower the human population and bring things back to "normality" (what ever that is) over a long geologic time period...it may lower the human population to zero. It's apparent that we can't stop it ourselves.
Xue Sheng, why are you suddenly taking all this a a personal attack? All I did was point out that for years different people have said "if /when 'A' happens, it will cause 'B' to happen". And at least half the time they`re wrong. Nobody has called you any names as far as I`m aware of.

I just asked a question. Namely, if the average temp rises slightly how do we know that`s a terrible thing? Yes, things would be different from the way they are now and we would need to adapt to fit those changes, but it could just as easily be a blessing as a curse.

Lighten up.

How about the reports that the polar ice cap is melting?

Well, yes it is. In fact, it has been for about a million years or so. We are at the end of the ice age in which ice covered most of North American and Northern Europe.

There's at least one environmentalist, named Al Gore, who is panicking over the possibility that we may soon lose Glacier National Park in Montana because the ice is melting.

One hates to tell him that we've already lost the glacier that used to cover the whole country.

Perhaps he'll want to start working for new regulations from the Interior Department to begin immediately restoring this lost historical environmental treasure. Re-establishing a sheet of ice covering the entire continent would certainly serve to stop mining, timber cutting and urban sprawl.

The truth is, someday humans may be able to take tropical vacations at the North Pole - and it will be perfectly natural.

Yet our world is being flooded with the dire predictions of Global Warming.

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