Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis

James Taylor

2/13/2013 @ 1:19PM EXCERPT:
It is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.

DonÂ’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.
The survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists (summarized here and here) revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims.
<<<SNIP>>>People who look behind the self-serving statements by global warming alarmists about an alleged “consensus” have always known that no such alarmist consensus exists among scientists. Now that we have access to hard surveys of scientists themselves, it is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.
The science is settled.
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis

James Taylor

2/13/2013 @ 1:19PM EXCERPT:
It is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.

DonÂ’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.
The survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists (summarized here and here) revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims.
<<<SNIP>>>People who look behind the self-serving statements by global warming alarmists about an alleged “consensus” have always known that no such alarmist consensus exists among scientists. Now that we have access to hard surveys of scientists themselves, it is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.
The science is settled.

Regardless of who is ultimately correct, I think the last Ice Age was probably a serious matter to the species that were in existence at the time. Any such profound climate shift will be problematic if it reaches similar thresholds of the temperate range. It makes sense to not add to the problem if possible. Whether humans are the cause or not will be a moot point if we are truly on the brink of a global climate shift.
Don&#8217;t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.
The survey results show geoscientists (also known as earth scientists) and engineers hold similar views as meteorologists. Two recent surveys of meteorologists (summarized here and here) revealed similar skepticism of alarmist global warming claims.

The vast majority believe that anthropocentric climate change is real, but while there is wide agreement about the direction of the effect there is certainly disagreement about the magnitude of the effect and the magnitude of its secondary effects on humans in particular. This is about whether or not they think the fact of anthropocentric climate change will cause a crisis for humans. It's not clear that geologists can predict how mass farming will react to rising temps., for example.
The vast majority believe that anthropocentric climate change is real, but while there is wide agreement about the direction of the effect there is certainly disagreement about the magnitude of the effect and the magnitude of its secondary effects on humans in particular. This is about whether or not they think the fact of anthropocentric climate change will cause a crisis for humans. It's not clear that geologists can predict how mass farming will react to rising temps., for example.
Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies
36% = vast majority
Read the comments below the article and if you have time, the study itself..

To summarize: this was a survey of engineers and geologists in Alberta, a high percentage of whom work within the petroleum industry. To begin with, engineers have no more inherent professional knowledge of the science behind climate change than any layperson. (Engineer does not mean the same thing as scientist.) Even geologists don't necessarily have expertise in climate change unless it is the area of specialty that they work in. If you read the actual article, the geologists/geoscientists being surveyed primarily work in the petroleum industry. This means a) the overwhelming majority of them do not have any particular expertise in the area of climatology and b) they have personal motivations for questioning anthropogenic climate change because they work for an industry which is contributing tot he problem.

The consensus among scientists who actually do research on the questions involved still overwhelmingly supports the idea that anthopgenic climate change is a real problem.
Read the comments below the article and if you have time, the study itself..

To summarize: this was a survey of engineers and geologists in Alberta, a high percentage of whom work within the petroleum industry. To begin with, engineers have no more inherent professional knowledge of the science behind climate change than any layperson. (Engineer does not mean the same thing as scientist.) Even geologists don't necessarily have expertise in climate change unless it is the area of specialty that they work in. If you read the actual article, the geologists/geoscientists being surveyed primarily work in the petroleum industry. This means a) the overwhelming majority of them do not have any particular expertise in the area of climatology and b) they have personal motivations for questioning anthropogenic climate change because they work for an industry which is contributing tot he problem.

The consensus among scientists who actually do research on the questions involved still overwhelmingly supports the idea that anthopgenic climate change is a real problem.

gee, somehow I knew there was more to the story.
36% = vast majority

Read it again. That was from a small sample and represented those who believed global climate change would invoke a crisis. You can believe in AGCC and not believe it'll cause disastrous effects. One is current science, the other is prediction--about which disagreement is more likely.

And that's without even digging into the study or talking about what alpha=.05 means.

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