pocket knive?


Senior Master
Do you carry a pocket knive?

Since I ws 12 I carry a pocket knive most of the time is the SAK (Swiss Army Knive) by Vitorinox, actually I carry two, a Thinker on my hip and a minichamp in my key chain. This little fellows have prove to be super handy most of the times, I used them to open a soda, open a can, the tooth pic afther a meal, the little sissors for a manicura, the blades to open boxes, envelopes and even cut food and used the other tools for small tasks or jobs.

Yes I know that a pocker knive has not so much to do with martial arts but they are pretty handy some times and even the scraper/awl of my SAK can be use as a self defense tool clenched in my fist.

I used to leave one in my car, but it seemed like more of a hassle than it was worth, as I rarely used it.

As humans, we used to be hunters and gatherers. But now we are surfers and downloaders.

So whereas people used to carry a knife everywhere, now they carry smart phones! :)
I carry a knife everywhere. I use it every day, and often more than once a day. Cracking open boxes, stripping off insulation, cutting open a package holding my lunch, or even cutting my lunch. I've seen people in the office freak out because some kind soul volunteered to buy bagels for the office and also brought in a large knife to slice the bagels. I've never seen anyone freak out when I pull out my rainbow-finished Kershaw to slice my bagel or cut an apple. I often have a Leatherman tool in my bag as well, which is kind of like a Swiss Army Knife that can unfold in to a pair of pliers. I use that regularly, but not as often as my regular folding blade.

From a self defense perspective...I hope I never have to use it in self defense. However, it is more practical than a firearm for every day carry, since I have to cross state lines.
I always have a pocket knife, most of the time 2. I regularly carry a Benchmade 710 and a Sog mini crosscut multitool.
I don't know US laws - gun permits are only for within 1 state?

Very complicated question. Some states are fully reciprocal, and their permits are exactly the same in each. Others are partially reciprocal, and the permit from one is valid in the other -- but the not the other way around. And there are plenty that don't recognize anyone else's permits -- and do all they can not to issue them at all.
Very complicated question. Some states are fully reciprocal, and their permits are exactly the same in each. Others are partially reciprocal, and the permit from one is valid in the other -- but the not the other way around. And there are plenty that don't recognize anyone else's permits -- and do all they can not to issue them at all.

Exactly. The agreements are typically based on politics, not geography. Which works out fine for the politicians, but not as well for the individuals that cross state lines on a regular basis. The is gets almost comical in my part of the country where the states are small. I am within a two hour drive of 6 other states and can only legally carry in one of those six.
Some states also ban non-firearm weapons, like nunchucks, or require permits to carry them. I think in NY you have to get permission to get nunchucks for martial arts training, with the understanding you'll never use them on another person.

I carry a pocket knife most places, and use it fairly often. I also carry a firearm, but luckily I never use that. I think martial-arts related, if a BG pulls a knife on me, I'd rather disarm him and take his to use against him than draw mine and try to trade blows with a blade.
Some states also ban non-firearm weapons, like nunchucks, or require permits to carry them. I think in NY you have to get permission to get nunchucks for martial arts training, with the understanding you'll never use them on another person.

I carry a pocket knife most places, and use it fairly often. I also carry a firearm, but luckily I never use that. I think martial-arts related, if a BG pulls a knife on me, I'd rather disarm him and take his to use against him than draw mine and try to trade blows with a blade.

I think your odds would be better to draw your gun. Disarming and using his weapon againt him is easier said than done. No one wins in a knife fight.
I carry a pocket knife nearly all the time. Mostly either my Camilus Cuda or Benchmade Autostryker. They get used all the time on mail, packages, fingernails...
I'm unlikely to go for a knife in a self defense situation. If I'm going to put something in my hand (other than some body part of the bad guy :) ) it's going to be a gun (which I also carry).
My favorite carries were cold steel and Spyderco. I like the combo blade (Serrated and Straight for utility reasons.) For legal reasons the blade is under 3" .

IMNSHO locking blades are a must for utility and SD.

Then I went to a course which partly involved accessing and deploying a your weapon. We were put on a stopwatch.

I found the Spyderco hole in the blade was a much more failsafe / faster method for deployment than the thumb stud. So, the Cold Steel with the thumb stud is basicaly retired.

Of course, depending on legalities, auto and assist opening knives are easy to deploy.
Hi Manny, great question. As part of my EDC (Every Day Carry), I include two knives. The first is a Swiss Army Tinker. This is a great little all-purpose pocket knife that I use continually for various tasks. I find the different screw drivers to come in handy. The second is a Spyderco Edura w/full serrations. This is a great recuse tool that could easily cut through seat belts for example. I've owned and carried both for nearly twenty years and they've always worked well.
I think your odds would be better to draw your gun. Disarming and using his weapon againt him is easier said than done. No one wins in a knife fight.
Apart from the pesky legal issue that you've likely moved from defender to attacker if you disarm someone and stab them...

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Originally Posted by Tames D I think your odds would be better to draw your gun. Disarming and using his weapon againt him is easier said than done. No one wins in a knife fight.

Apart from the pesky legal issue that you've likely moved from defender to attacker if you disarm someone and stab them...

Then you just give it back to him wen you are done and explain how he fell on it 6 or 7 times.