This is an awesome thread on the subject here:
I kind of weigh in on my opinions there.
Much of my extended family were weapon freaks. A lot of this had to do with their environment and such. Both My grandpa and my uncle on my moms side had firearms all over their houses in different hiding places, and all over their cars (usually 1 under the seat, 1 in the glove box, and 1 in the trunk). They lived in Detroit and had each been in more then 1 shooting.
My grandma and the women of the family were sheltered from all that. So my mom was a hoplophobe (sp?) when it came to sharp things and firearms. My father had some guns that she could do nothing about, but she wouldn't even keep sharp knives in the kitchen.
Kind of silly if you ask me.
Anyways, I grew up to be completely obsessed with them. See!? SEE what happends?!?! Don't let your kids grow up like me!!!!! Save THem!!! LET them use guns and knives at a young age, otherwise, they'll grow up and be CrAzY like me... :ROFLMAO:
Seriously, though, being overprotective and afraid to let you kids use tools like knives for example is not a good thing, IMHO. I believe that it is better to show them the right way to use things like firearms and knives at a young age. Chances are they will get their hands on a knife when your not looking. Chances are great that a curious kid will seek out the guns in the house, or at a friends house where the parents don't responsibly lock them up. If you have taught them safety and proper use, there is less of a likelyhood of an accident then if you have tried to shelter them from these realities.
That's my thought on the subject, anyhow...