Please tell about your Art: North,South,Which Style, When, How Long,etc.


Black Belt
Are you Northern or are you Southern?
What is your style? When did you start? How long have you studied?

I think mine is Long Fist, my teacher was tall and we did a lot of kicks.
I got a book on Kung Fu Long Fist. I had done and seen what was in most of the book,
so I called what I learn Long Fist ever since.
My teacher spoke no English.The guy who open the warehouse and took the money spoke a little Chinese, would leave once we got started. The students were late teens and early 20's and they were very good.
We learn by example and touch. Not the good kind of touch.
I was in the Navy station on a land base in the 70's, I had previously studied TSD/MDK.
While I have learn other MA. TSD/MDK and Long Fist are my base.
I studied MA for 12 years before quitting in 1985.
I have trained in numerous martial arts starting in 1966 including Boxing, Wrestling, Shotokan, TKD, Hapkido, Wing Chun, JunFan, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Pekiti-Tirsia and other FMAs, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (off & on since 2003), Combat Submission Wrestling - Shooto - Catch, Savate. There are others but...
I have ranking and/or certified instructor/coach levels...Yea (for whatever it is worth), in: Most of them.
Today I continue to training in and/or teach/coach:
Wing Chun
Muay Thai
STX (Muay Thai Cross Training)
I have trained in numerous martial arts starting in 1966 including Boxing, Wrestling, Shotokan, TKD, Hapkido, Wing Chun, JunFan, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, Pekiti-Tirsia and other FMAs, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (off & on since 2003), Combat Submission Wrestling - Shooto - Catch, Savate. There are others but...
I have ranking and/or certified instructor/coach levels...Yea (for whatever it is worth), in: Most of them.
Today I continue to training in and/or teach/coach:
Wing Chun
Muay Thai
STX (Muay Thai Cross Training)

Your experience is very impressive.

Did you start in Wing Chun and then learn JunFan?
Did you know Bruce Lee?
How do you teach Jun Fan?
Do you take in someone who has a black belt and enrich what they know ?

as a side note

Please correct me if I am wrong Wing Chun and Tai Chi, Southern China mostly hand techniques.
Your experience is very impressive.

Thanks...But don't be impressed.

Did you start in Wing Chun and then learn JunFan?
I was introduced to JunFan first but actually deeply studied wing chun first.

Did you know Bruce Lee?
Nah. Never met him but did train with a few of his students and others who did know him.

How do you teach Jun Fan?
There is a curriculum

Do you take in someone who has a black belt and enrich what they know ?
I train with anyone who has a good attitude toward learning and sharing. Rank means nothing.

Please correct me if I am wrong Wing Chun and Tai Chi, Southern China mostly hand techniques.
The wing chun and tai chi I've been exposed to has a lot of kicking as well as close range what many consider standing grappling using the arms and legs to tie up, trap, trip, takedown, throw, or control the opponent. At the higher levels there is a large amount of weapon work as well. We also incorporate groundwork as well.
Northern Styles with a dash of Southern

The dash of Southern is Wing Chun

Northern Styles

Yiquan/Dachengquan about 6 months to a year, did not really keep track
Shaolin Long Fist about 1 year
Baguazhang about 2 years (various styles)
Hebei Xingyiquan (occasionally Shang, but to me they are pretty much the same) I think about 15 years. started training it 25 years ago with breaks in training
Taijiquan 27 years
> Yang Taijiquan 24 years (in lineage)
> Beijing 24 form 3 years
> Chen Taijiquan approximately 3 years (Laojia Yilu and the 18 form)
> Sun Taijiquan approximately 1 year (currently training)
> Northern Wu Taijiquan approximately 1 to 1.5 years (started again and currently training)

There is also a dash of JKD, but I am not sure how to categorize it or if it is even categorized under Chinese martial arts. I am leaning towards it is not actually

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