Please prayer for

This is one of those occaisons when I really feel the ocean that seperates our countries. I can only send my hopes and support via a keyboard and a screen but they are sincere nontheless.
This is one of those occaisons when I really feel the ocean that seperates our countries. I can only send my hopes and support via a keyboard and a screen but they are sincere nontheless.

Thank you so much, one reasom this is so hard on me is, he was ready to test for his BB and become a instructor at the school. He is a great person and will always be. It makes you put your life back into perspective.
Thank you so much, one reasom this is so hard on me is, he was ready to test for his BB and become a instructor at the school. He is a great person and will always be. It makes you put your life back into perspective.

It certainly does, Terry. I think you are a wonderful person for doing this for him and his family. Shows what good character you are made of. Hang in there. :)
Hey Terry you know I am there for Juan and you if you need any help just call or pm. I am saying alot of prayers for Juan as he is a great guy!
Hey Terry you know I am there for Juan and you if you need any help just call or pm. I am saying alot of prayers for Juan as he is a great guy!

Brian I need to set up an account for people to donate some money, he has nothing and his son needs help. I need help so I can help them. Please call me after 9:30 pm
Brian I need to set up an account for people to donate some money, he has nothing and his son needs help. I need help so I can help them. Please call me after 9:30 pm

Let us know how we can all contribute toward this fund, i'll happily chuck a few dollars yr way when the info comes through. In the meantime, my best wishes for yr student, i do hope he pulls through and recovers. :asian: Take care of yrself too mate, hey?
Master Stoker,
My dad was in a similar situation a little over a year ago. I can relate to the feeling of helplessness and the flood of emotions that come along with it. My thoughts and prayers are with Juan and his family. Hang in there sir.
Thank you so much, one reasom this is so hard on me is, he was ready to test for his BB and become a instructor at the school. He is a great person and will always be. It makes you put your life back into perspective.
That's really heart-wrenching, Terry. I continue to think of you all and pray and hope.
Thank you all for the kind words. He is still in bad shape but looks like he is able to hear so the doctor says. That is a great sign his eye move a littel with certain voices, mine being one of them, after all these year of training and now he can hear me!!! Well at least it is movement. Update later.
Thank you all for the kind words. He is still in bad shape but looks like he is able to hear so the doctor says. That is a great sign his eye move a littel with certain voices, mine being one of them, after all these year of training and now he can hear me!!! Well at least it is movement. Update later.

Hey Terry that is a good sign. After we talked last night I spoke to the doc and while things are tough do not give up hope.

Juan as always my prayer's are with you!
Thank you all for the kind words. He is still in bad shape but looks like he is able to hear so the doctor says. That is a great sign his eye move a littel with certain voices, mine being one of them, after all these year of training and now he can hear me!!! Well at least it is movement. Update later.

Movement in the right direction. He's been through alot, his body needs time to heal, and he has alot of positive energy coming his way. Don't give up hope, he has alot of people praying for him. He's in my prayers.
Movement in the right direction. He's been through alot, his body needs time to heal, and he has alot of positive energy coming his way. Don't give up hope, he has alot of people praying for him. He's in my prayers.

Thank you morph.
Today wasa great day for Jaun and his family and friends he was able to say no when ask a question nothing more than no but it is a start. He has movement in one eye and seems to be able to follow the light. he is also able to lightly squeeze your hand when you hold his that is amazing at this point. still do not now how much brain damage there is and it still has fluids and is swallen some. Thank you all for the support so far. Will let you knoww mor on Monday I'm soory but tired so I'm going to bed.